Hi all!

This topic nags me from time to time and it has bitten me again during
my preparations for 0.42: Proper interface version numbering. So for
this release I've seen all kinds of wrong interface numbers - in code
and in documentation - which ranged from 7.1 to 8.2.

7.1 is obviously wrong since 0.41 already shipped with 8.0 and this was
probably just a leftover from an earlier change in a branch. Problematic
is, however, to decide if a version number has to be raised or not and
moreover, if it has already been raised _after_ the last release. Things
like "rolling over" version numbers suddenly become important, i.e. if
change X requires a major bump from 8.0 to 9.0, its no longer required
to add a minor bump from 9.0 to 9.1 for a new feature.

So, to make a long story short I propose that interface versions are
_not_ changed by individual developers up until the next release and
that the release manager rather takes care of the numbering, just
because he gets the ultimative overview what has been added / changed
when he writes the NEWS file.

As a little reminder (which I may fill into the release checklist some
time) the interface number has to be added / changed in at least these

* cmd_automate.cc (static string 'interface_version')
* monotone.texi (where various commands may reference it in "added in"
or "changes" sections)
* the monotone wiki under http://monotone.ca/wiki/AutomateVersions/,
alongside with new / updated / changed commands for the particular version


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