On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:36 AM, Ethan Blanton <e...@psg.com> wrote:
> Stephen Leake spake unto us the following wisdom:
>> While we are on this topic, can I request that the monotone version be
>> bumped to 0.43 immediately after the release, rather than immediately
>> before the next release? That makes it easier for development versions
>> of Emacs DVC (and other similar tools) to check for the presence of
>> brand new stuff in monotone.
> For Pidgin, we have found it helpful to, immediately after release,
> increment the version number and append 'devel'.  This helps us
> identify those users who are using a development version which may
> *not* have a particular feature, even though its version number would
> otherwise suggest it.  Monotone does, of course, provide the revision
> identifier to help with this, but I for one don't know much about a
> revision after a quick glance at the rev ID.  ;-)
> For example, in this case, after cutting the 0.42 release, nvm would
> immediately be changed to 0.43devel.

Or you can do it the git way: 0.43-6-digit-sha1.

Felipe Contreras

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