Oh, then that is easier I think.

Create a simple transformer function, put it into a role and have the appropriate classes consume it.

This (IMO) is the perfect use case for the horizontal reuse of roles because it allows you to inject commonly needed functionality into your classes without forcing some kind of convoluted inheritance relationship that does not accurately reflect your domain.

- Stevan

On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:40 PM, Elliot Shank wrote:

Stevan Little wrote:
Have you looked at MooseX::MultiInitArg?

That works for assigning specific names to specific attributes, but doesn't address the thing that I'm going after, which is formulaic. In my case, my BUILDARGS() makes the configuration keys case insensitive and converts spaces to underscores so that a user can give a value for the "system_dsn" attribute under the name "System DSN" in the configuration.

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