On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 08:54:08PM -0400, Stevan Little wrote:
> My only issue with this is that methods are not really parts of  
> packages, methods are class things. Perhaps we could call it  
> code_ref_map or something better so we can get the actual functionality, 
> and then Role and Class can just alias them to method_mao or something 
> like that?

The only reason I didn't do this is because every consumer of this API
(CMOP::Class, Moose::Role) cares about methods, not 'subroutines', so it seemed
like drawing a distinction that, while valid, would be currently useless.

If the plan is for CMOP::Package to grow more extensive exporting/inclusion
functionality, I could see more value.  It still may make sense for an
intermediate module that is "a package containing subs intended to be called as
methods", but I have no idea what that would be called.


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