(re-sending because my first time got the ezmlm blues)

Background: http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=48849

This fails:

  coerce ArrayRef[MyObject],
    from ArrayRef[HashRef],
    via  { [ map { MyObject->new($_) } @$_ ] };

  # later
  has objects => (isa => ArrayRef[MyObject], coerce => 1);

It succeeds with a subtype of ArrayRef[MyObject] or if the generated type
constraint is saved in a variable and reused in the 'isa'.

This is because parameterizing types with MooseX::Types does not register the
type constraints it generates, so there's nothing linking the two
ArrayRef[MyObject] calls.

I fixed this in MooseX::Types 0.18, and it broke MXMS, because rafl expects
that the parameterized type functions (Dict, Tuple, ArrayRef, etc.) work
differently than I do:

  <@rafl> i think of the parameterized decorators as type generators
  <@rafl> giving me a new instance of a type constraint on every call

This doesn't make any sense to me for most cases, where people are often
hardcoding both the parameterized type name and its argument (e.g.
HashRef[Str]), but I do see the use for being able to generate unregistered
types on demand when building types programmatically.

I'm not sure what to do about this.  I reverted the fix so that MXMS wouldn't
stay broken, but that means that the original MX::Types bug is still there.

Three possibilities come to mind:

1. provide a helper function to twiddle some global in MooseX::Types to avoid
auto-registering the parameterized types that are generated:

  my $tc = unregistered_type_constraint { Tuple[ArrayRef[Str], Int, GlobRef] };

2. Tell people to manually register the parameterized types that they want to

  register_type_constraint ArrayRef[MyObject];

3. Have the 'coerce' sugar automatically register parameterized type
constraints and make sure that there's an alternative API for programmatic TC
generation (e.g. MXMS) to use that avoids the automatic behavior.



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