ian.doche...@nomura.com wrote:
I have written a new module along the lines of FSA::Rules, only as a Moose

Is it convention that Moose Roles are in the MooseX::Role namespace so I
would call the module MooseX::Role::FSA::Simple, or can I call it

Following comments of others ...

You should name your module FSA::<something> or otherwise have FSA as the dominant part, because it describes what your module is used for or what it does.

Moose is an implementation detail and "Moose" shouldn't be used in the name of a module just because it uses Moose. That's like putting "Object" in the name of a module because it is object-oriented.

Don't use "Simple" in your name, as that term is widely overused on CPAN and doesn't actually distinguish what is unique about your module; it also tends to be an inaccurate description.

-- Darren Duncan

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