> mo wrote:
> The question is, how would someone name his dist who wants to release a
> version of FSA::Role, which uses Role::Basic as Role framework?
> I think we need something like Any::Role :-)

So that implies FSA::Role::Moose for my module, which I don't think would 
satisfy hdp.

If there is an objection about including 'Moose' in the namespace (because it 
is about how it is implemented, rather than what it *is*) then shouldn't the 
same argument apply to including 'Role' since this is also about how it is 

FSA::Something, rather than FSA::Role?

I have done a survey of CPAN modules, (I should have done this previously, 

CPAN modules with MooseRole in them (sorry hdp)


We also have the 'Role' namespace used for Moose Roles or not Moose Roles as in.


CPAN modules that have 'Role' in their namespace (referring to Moose Roles)


And some with 'Role' that are *not* Moose


Some CPAN modules I have found that are Moose Roles, but which don't have 
either Moose or Role in their name are.


I think this survey has shown me that every possible way of doing has been done 
in CPAN. But perhaps the best way is to avoid both 'Moose' and 'Role' in the 
namespace, but put in the description 'A Moose Role to ...'.

So, that boils down to


Which to avoid the existing FSA::Rules gives me a bit of a problem. Perhaps


Sorry for the long post but perhaps some recommendations may come out of this 
for naming conventions in the future?

Kind regards


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