Just to say this has been filed in Lighthouse and I will look into it.
I disagree with Sandy that this is Microsoft's 'fault' - this is the
problem we are always open to when we extend native prototypes. I am a
lot of experience in C#/.NET programming so this is something I have a
vested interest in. I don't believe it to be an insurmountable

On Dec 19 2009, 7:17 am, Sanford Whiteman
<sa...@cypressintegrated.com> wrote:
> > The reason this is occurring is because in the mootools framework(core) it
> > defines it defines a function off of document called id.. open up your core
> > file and search for "id:(function()" you will notice that it is grouped by
> > several other handy sounding functions.. it just a shortcut to
> > document.getElementById..
> Surely anyone who uses the latest Moo knows about this function.
> http://mootools.net/blog/2009/06/22/the-dollar-safe-mode/
> > So why does .net get tangled up in this? because when a click event occurs
> > anywhere on the page, .net is enumerating elements looking for particular
> > ones in a list it keeps... and it looks at element.id (as you would expect
> > to look for an id of an element)
> document.id != Element.id
> The bug is in Microsoft's code, where they frequently have a var named
> `element`  actually be set to either an Element object or to document.
> (While  document.documentElement  is an Element, document by itself is
> not.) They are stupidly duck-typing `element`, relying on `element.id`
> == undefined whenever element is really a document and thus gracefully
> avoiding some code sections.
> When  `element.id`  turns  out  to exist even when element = document,
> they  have  a  problem.  They  wouldn't have this problem if they just
> checked  the  type of `element`, which in turn would be easier if they
> used a not-completely-misleading variable name.
> > So what do you do?
> Stop blaming MooTools and dare to report/bugfix theMScode instead?
> -- Sandy

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