Interesting stuff, however, I have the community has yet to find out if 
prime is supposed to be something serious or just an experiment (or a 
serious experiment?).

Doing OO in vanilla javascript, like doing sort of architecture in a 
language without a framework, leads to poor design & maintainability... I 
have yet to find an OO javascript framework that can compare to MooTools, 
but then again, I do not feel confident about using MooTools anymore, and I 
think this is a shared sentiment by the community.

It appears that prime is supposed to make MooTools exciting again, but 
nobody appears to have an answer on that the direction of prime will have :(

On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:28:54 PM UTC-4, Nutron wrote:
> 1) can you write clean code with JQ? I am far from being a JavaScript 
>> expert and I've written some horrific JS code. Moo allows me to write very 
>> clean and maintainable code.
> You can write clean code with anything. JavaScript is the language here. 
> MooTools just gives you nice tools and encourages you to use strong OO 
> methodologies. But underneath it's all JavaScript. I had a conversation 
> with Bill Scott (of Netflix) and he put it to me this way:
> After hearing me talk about the reusability and extensibility patterns 
> built into MooTools, he made an excellent point: He knows enough about 
> JavaScript to have his own methods for making use of JavaScript’s 
> inheritance mechanisms. In other words, he uses jQuery for DOM manipulation 
> and effects and for some of its plugins, but when he writes his own code, 
> he has his own class system (I don’t think he used the word “class” though 
> – but basically some sort of factory to create reusable and extendable 
> objects).
> There's nothing stopping you from using jQuery and writing beautiful code. 
> It's a little harder, and you have to work at it yourself a little, sure, 
> but it's still just JavaScript. For more, see
> 2) I am guessing that the number of free widgets and community support is 
>> far better by going JQ but what other benefits do you get with JQ?
> You get a lot more help. You get a bigger community, meet-ups, and lots of 
> blog posts and tutorials and books. But, most importantly, you get a job 
> market. Go search around for front-end jobs that list anything OTHER than 
> jQuery. This also applies the other way around; if you're a company 
> choosing a framework, go find a front-end candidate with MooTools on 
> his/her resume. It's nearly impossible to find us.
>> 3) I am assuming that future browser issues will not cause me problems by 
>> developing with Moo. What are your thoughts on this?
> The dev team remains committed to releasing updates to address such 
> browser issues. I know that they're working on 1.5.0 right now in 
> anticipation of IE11.
>> At this moment, #3 is the only concern that I have. I plan to make a 
>> mobile version of my app (hope that this will not be a problem using Moo).
> FWIW, I have a mobile app ( - mobile version at 
> running MooTools. Works great. 


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