Hej Anders! 

If you want a more updated version of 1.4.5 you can download the nightly 
version on the mootools.net site. There you find updates since 1.4.5 came 
Otherwise, like Aaron said 1.5 is just around the corner.

Hälsningar från Dalarna!

On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 19:42:34 UTC+1, zipz wrote:
> Hi guys, girls etc,
> Today was thinking about the problems if the development of mootools is 
> discontinued, what would happen with my site if the scripts stops to work?
> So I thought I should try to convert one of my scripts to jquery just to 
> test. I can tall you that it was a direct fail. I created some extremely 
> powerful scripts back in 2012 and they are all created as class objects. 
> Class objects can't be done in jquery, if I understood this correctly. My 
> conclusion is that I will discontinue with my site when mootools stops to 
> work. 
> First, let me explain what my scripts do. Please also help me publish any 
> of the scripts in forge, if you think it's worth the effort.
> These are the scripts, check link below to test them.
> ajaxLoading.js
> I have customized my site to work with ajax and advanced history handling 
> because my site is a game. I need to make difference between form submit 
> and ordinary url clicks. Url clicks can be handled as an ordinary history 
> state, form submits must be handled differently as I want to user to be 
> able to see the form result when back button is used. 
> I only need to add class="ajaxelement" to all urls and forms that I want 
> to be added as an ajax element. When the user click then link the 
> mainContent container is updated and the state is stored in the browser. 
> Links also work if you want to open them in a new tab. The last version 
> of the script is 2012-05-06 and I haven't changed anything since that time.
> iframeLoading.js
> This is a script that load external content in the mainContent area. It's 
> the parts that can't be loaded with ajax. It adjust the height to fit in 
> the mainContent container. I don't remember much more than that.
> These other scripts I must first give kudos to aaron and the Clientcide 
> scripts. Thanks aaron.
> ajaxPopup.js
> I add class="something" and then make a $$ to add popups to all links. It 
> works very nice.
> tutorial.js
> Maybe one of the coolest scripts I've made. It uses StickyWin.PointyTip to 
> explain the game. Check the Tutorial link. It's created to be easy to add 
> new tutorials. I could also be used at other sites and to explain whatever 
> you like, maybe mootools. Aaron you should check this script as it shows 
> quite well what you can use the Clientcide script to.
> ajaxChat.js
> I even coded a chat with periodical ajax. I guess this chat is kind of 
> special to fit my site only as it's a server part to.
> I'm sorry but you will have to create an account at www.elveron.com if 
> you want to test the scripts because all functions is used inside the game.
> I had plans to make an external domain just to show examples but I never 
> got the time to do that, so now I thought I should at least give you the 
> url if you want to take a look at the scripts even if this may look like 
> advertisement. It's up to you if you want to take a look.
> Let me know if you have any questions about the scripts or if you find any 
> important bugs.


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