I'm trying to give early notice to a huge Paris movie poster auction for
20 Nov 2004- French and American posters- more details as soon as I get
them. And what a great time to visit Paris- this is a two week period
when there are a number of vintage poster auctions in Paris-of course,
not generally movie posters. (But the auction on the 20th is only movie
posters) So, late November is a good time to be in Paris if you are into
vintage posters. Because of some other committments, I will not be in
Paris for the auction on the 20th...which means my Paris flat is free
for a two week period in Nov.  (http://www.jimdietz.com/chantier.html)
E mail me if interested.
By the way, I did find some more vintage lobbies- a lot of noir-they are
on Ebay right now...ending in 48 hours. My Ebay name is soldiers  or
click the link below.


Jim Dietz


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