Dear Scott and Mopo. -  there isno problem on MOPO. Mopo has been freedom for
and thats why it will survive to 10 and longer. Since ive been on Mopo Ive seen
some nice discussions, some rants about who screwed who... If You all think
back its easy to discern who
is who.. the thing about people that spread false rumors is there storys are
built on untruths..
which disapate after Time. because they can misalighn and spread rumors . But
Actions speak louder than words. How can someone say they wish to help the
afflicted when they attack the afflicted? There are many that I feel have
misguided people on Mopo, customers, and fellow
business people However I have hoped they would see the wrongs and change or
turn around instead of crucifying them. I am not sure what is said on B-list as
ive been unsubscribed for months.
However, as to Mopo what amazes me is that accusations are made before the
party has time to say something.. and in Hughes case. It appeared that the
reason for a slowdown was due to personal problems.. and as was stated by many
he never had acted in any way like that prior so this was
said to be highly unusual,, Ok has anyone ever been in a divorce, had death,
lost anything??
well this causes you to act  Goofy and somtimes strikeout at others,, what
wierd is the abused can abuse others what do we do..? castrate them?  or
try to help, comfort, and restore.

I am not a social worker, or claim to have any profound answers/ But it seems
that what society has
in all areas is a breakdown in communication of the spirit. because the thing I
see in all the hurt instigators  that cause more Hurt is that they are Hurt and
where probably hurt by someone they trusted.
Now mopo is the same excepttheroot hurt involves Posters.. so we have people
whose  life is held
by poster.. people do this with pets inaniamte objects.. TODAYs sun Blade did a
article on Hoarding that now has City govermemnts assigning people to deal with
unsafe hoarders.
because people associate stuff with security..
People The stuff does not Help... ITs people..!   You have seen how a Donnie
can offer solutions
how many unlikly people can if they feel part of a positive force. and yes the
ones that have little understand as they know how a gesture of care means so
Giving isnt about Money its about a sincere care.. thats why 1.00 to someone
freezzing can mean so much.. like a coffee.
The other day I refused a man 1.00 standing outside.. why?? because he was
intimadateing . Black, and had a eyey like Forest whitiker!! he said can i
borrow a dollar!  I said what?? and got closer and i thought hey I wont give
you a dollar because You are shaking me down!
NOyou cant have a Dollar.. Then I got in my Van.... and i thought You idiot...
he asked for a dollar! not 5. 10 100.. but 1,00  and with all my blessings and
peoople that have spent 100s that were like Gifts I wouldnt give a Dollar...
well I was embarraced.. and i thought.. well..maybei schoud drive back and give
him 5.... well i didnt and as you see I am sorry as what did he think about men
and sociaty that night... what did he do?? was he on drugs?? what?  well we
never know
what prompts people to do things..But what Ive learned is they are spiritually
sick... and they dont want to be if you ask them.. and they can be helped and
also help others. so its in my opinion
our job as  much as giving good service, and describing items well to help
these people
thats why all the personalities on Mopo make life interesting and Scott as the
rest of us has a life
and issues and he needs a Hug and to know its OK.
some name callers and send rumors as a way to create havoc and distrust of
fellow business people
as a sort of spin doctor approach.. this is wrong and if you think back over
last few years the track record of who started them and the sources are the
same.  these busineespeople will also tell others that they have been discussed
3rd party. I suggest If anyone every says so and so says..that you question the
source and speack to the person DIRECT on the phone before listening to
>From my experiance most of the rumors are unfounded and when asked for facts
they disapate.

stop a moment and retrace the last 3 years.. How many dealers were accused of
without nameing everyone.. now ask what was the outcome?  was there ever

threats, namecalling and verbal abuse. thats all.

Now what i would like to see are stories How mopo has helped collectors..Its
ben a way to compare notes on repos.. the climate for sales.. history,
auctions, and artists, the overlapping of
item catagories,, I would like to think its love of Cinema in all areas. Yet
why if I think of
90% posts are rants,, and that myself included we merge poltics, and the stae
of affairs in//

personally i think world affairs effect Movies in a big way and  if I didnt get
a overview of all things posters would be  considered by.

I submit that the problems on Mopo are just societal reflections of the current
attitude of the world.

we are just seeing and feeling economic , and  the stress that exsists in all
sectors be it Memorabilia, health , and other areas of industry.

also it appear many Mopoers are at the juncture of Md life crisis.. when jobs
are getting fewer

Kids need college, and youve refinanced for the 3rd time..   Anger managment is
a full time chore

hell Zoloft, and all the othe meds are like aspirin.. whats that say???? well
to me

we have reached the threshold were we cant cope with reality... so we have
people addicted

to stress.. and the hurt keeps surfacng.. in areas we cant control... like 24
hour ebay.. 24 hour

news.. and on and on..  the answer?????    In My case.. turning of TV...and
slowing down..

In my case Ive also had to deal with a bitter case of marital blunder that has
also efected my ability to stay on business fresh and articulate.

Enter attitude..  once I looked within I could see better out...  at least this
works for me//

see I am guilty of all I see wrong in others.. so  i attempt to consider that
now.. some days I
fail. some days i do well.. but I try..
so that what I think would help mopo is to ponder on wwhats good aboutpeople
the posters and the fact you have a haven of like minded people to share your
interests with..

In the case of issues.. why not rally to help people that are having hard times
finishing orders

maybe then they will  be inspired to complete the work and be restored just
like you wish

to see don to the tarnished posters you buy.

hope that helps.  keep up Mopo another 50 ears Scott!

best, Tom

Scott Burns wrote:

> I should let this die without comment but I just can't...
> Scroll down for a post (forwarded to me) that appeared today on Style-B.
> Read it and see how it makes *you* feel, THEN come back to the top for my
> comments....
> COMMENTS: Frankly, I've reached my limit on this kind of attack. MoPo is the
> way it is because that's the way the *participating* members want it.
> Bitching and moaning over on Style-B doesn't change a thing.
> "Stan" (the author of this post) as far as I recall, never voiced his
> opinions or concerns to me privately (he admits "he wasn't much of a
> contributor"), but he has no problems making them public now. He should have
> had the balls to contact me directly when he was a member. He should have
> stopped yelling at his computer screen and participated. Hell no, why do
> that? It's easier to just leave and post BS comments elsewhere.  "Stan" will
> probably get great pleasure in knowing he's ticked me off even without
> actually being a subscriber to MoPo, and that's fine. Revel in it "Stan."
> Way to go "Stan" for your sidelines attack disguised as commentary. You sign
> your message "Clueless, Hardheaded, Grudge Holding, Disgruntled Mopolian
> (insert your own favorite label here)"....well I think you should really
> insert "pompous ass" to the signature. It's easy to be critical on the fly,
> at a distance. It's much harder to actually change what you don't like. It
> takes participation, something "Stan" didn't care to do while a member of
> MoPo.
> We started out as a friendly little group of 10 souls who liked to collect
> movie paper and talk about it amongst ourselves. I never in my wildest
> dreams thought running this group would become so difficult, frustrating and
> at times, depressing. Not to mention anger-inducing, as you can tell if
> you've read this far!  Perhaps on February 24, 2005 as MoPo turns 10 we
> should turn out the lights and let this tired old group of "hobby 'elitists'
> who seem bent on collector-world domination" rest in peace. Sheesh!
> Scott
> MoPo List Owner
> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Fwd: What Is MOPO ?? [WARNING extremely long post]
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Stan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Before anyone takes that question was heavily laced with
> sarcasm. I know what MOPO is.
> So the janitor quit his part time job. What - again ? :)
> ---
> [WARNING & Disclaimer] If you dislike long meandering posts -or- really like
> the MOPO list, save yourself some grief & please do not read further, you
> may get offended if you do.
> This is not a rant, but rather only me making casual conversation about my
> take on MOPO, based upon my personal experiences/opinions and nothing else.
> If you like MOPO more power to you and I wish you well over there.
> ---
> I spent several years on that list. I left and have not looked back.
> The timing of when I left, and the birth of Style-B was purely coincidental,
> but a happy circumstance nonetheless.
> There are some members of the MOPO list I truly liked/admired and they are
> missed. Leaving the MOPO list last year was a personal decision that was a
> long time coming. I wasn't much of a contributor at MOPO anyway, just like
> here at Style-B. I prefer to lurk, being more of a reader/watcher than a
> participant. When 'I' feel like it I'll chime in (Besides people write all
> these posts, articles, stories whateva...someone has to read them or it's
> all for naught isn't it ?)
> At MOPO after a long time, I had had enough, and was teetering on the brink
> of leaving for about 6-7 months. There came a time when Bruce had gotten his
> fill of the personal abuse (I presume) anyway, for whatever his own
> reasons..he left and a few others did also. I almost left then as well.
> Shortly thereafter, yet another round of 527-ish attacks began by
> the-(holding head high and speaking down my
> nose) MOPO list hoi-poloi...
> That was certainly not the 1st time nor the last, but was the last straw for
> me and the MOPO list. I realized at that point that the MOPO list is not for
> me, and never really was. I don't know why this instance was any different
> than the myriad just was. Now I should mention here for the sake
> of clarity that at this time Donnie didn't know me and vice-versa. This was
> the point at which Donnie and I first became acquainted. Just before the
> 'excreta hit the fan' at that time. I left MOPO, Donnie left, and a few
> others.
> Shortly thereafter Style-B appeared on the scene.
> MOPO (to me personally) is nothing more than a website/mailing list of hobby
> 'elitists' who seem bent on collector-world domination.
> Good luck with that. I built a collection of a few thousand posters,
> hundreds of trailers, and dozens of other various movie memorabilia
> collectible items without MOPO and that bunch. Fortunately I have the
> ability to get along fine without it/them.
> I applaud the fact that Donnie has rejected narcissistic type behavior on
> this list (for example -the recent revelation of the personal e-mails
> threatening to unsubscribe from Style-B if the janitor didn't do something
> about so & so...) Therein lies the difference between Donnie & Scott. MOPO &
> Style-B. I have abundant respect for Scott, and his efforts over there,
> don't get me wrong. I administer several full blown web forums (non hobby
> related) and know what it is like to be in their shoes. However, at MOPO the
> allowance of nepotism, and the strict on topic only - no off topic being
> human allowed, were deciding factors for me leaving.
> I used to read MOPO messages and occasionally yell out at my monitor at
> messages posted by these prigs. My meaner half..(ouch)
> I mean my girlfriend would hear me cussing my Philips monitor, come into the
> office and say "what, that poster collectors list again ?"
> I'd say "yea what a bunch of pathetic snobs"..and she would shake her head &
> say "if that bunch is so bad, why don't you just unsubscribe ?". Turns out
> she was right (yes again :).
> The only valid reasons I could come up with, was:
> . I would miss out on postings the members I respected and admired.
> . I might miss a tidbit of treasured info from a restoration specialist,
> framer, power-seller et al.
> . It was a broadened form of contact with others sharing the same affinity
> for movie paper.
> I was hooked.
> But on MOPO that segment that I enjoyed hearing from was growing smaller &
> smaller and posting less frequently, perhaps weary of being downtrodden by
> the MOPO aristocracy..I suppose.
> I didn't join the MOPO list solely to buy or sell posters. I sold only 2 the
> whole time. "The Sting" and "Breaking Away". I had my e- mail client set to
> automatically delete the FA posts. (because I don't do the auction gig to
> get or sell posters) I did check out the WTB's in case I had something a
> fellow collector needed & I was willing to part with..and the FS's. I didn't
> join to discuss the idiosyncrasies of PayPal or feeBay. I joined for 2
> reasons:
> fellowship with other collectors, and most of all to learn.
> See, for over 2 and 1/2 decades, I collected just 'to be collecting'. I
> didn't really know why or care for the longest time.
> I would show portions of my collection and non-hobbyists would say (even to
> this day) "you do realize what this stuff is worth ?" They couldn't tell me,
> but would be like.."I'm sure it's quite a bit." I would be thinking as I put
> the stuff away 'they just don't get it'.
> Monetary value had no significance to me. Although I recognize it, it's way
> down on the list to me. Hard to explain. My original '101 Dalmations' means
> the same to me as my 'Blade Runner' or my 'American History X'. My Ben
> Affleck posters proudly sit beside my Vincent Price, with little distinction
> other than release dates.
> Equality reigns in my collection.
> I did learn a lot of valuable info during my duration on MOPO. Like, who to
> avoid (crooks), that I was storing posters wrongly for a couple of decades
> and contributing to their decay, poster restoration, framing etc.
> Most importantly, I learned that MOPO is just like society in general. There
> are the haves and the have-nots, left and right, good bad and ugly. There is
> a cliq or group on MOPO just like in society in general, who think they are
> special, and that every facet of life or the hobby in this case...flows
> downward from them. The big difference (and best part) is that MOPO unlike
> society, has an UNSUBSCRIBE button, and I utilized it. The valuable,
> occasional tidbits I miss out on since leaving - well what I don't know
> won't hurt me (maybe my posters - perish the thought).
> Just like an addiction, it's was very hard and seemed impossible to let go
> of, but time heals & after a year of being MOPO free I'm happier and
> healthier. Just like in society when I see folks who think they are better
> than others, form their little members only cliq's etc in the neighborhood.
> This REALLY bothers me for some reason. I wish it didn't.
> If this sort of thing doesn't bother you, if the sterile business side of
> the hobby means more than the art, historic, or sentimental value of the
> paper...if you like speaking only when spoken to, being seen & not heard,
> are a conformist or brown noser..maybe MOPO is the list for you.
> If you like to just be yourself, and speak your mind, or are prone to make
> waves, forge your own path --> you won't last over there. I wonder how many
> poster enthusiasts that MOPO bunch have dissuaded away from the hobby over
> the years ? I suppose that's a goal for them. The 'more for us/me'
> bwahahahahaha mentality. Judging by the
> (worldwide) size of the poster collecting market you would think that the
> MOPO list would/should be around at least 5000 instead of the 500 made
> reference to. Style-B memberships as well, should be much higher I would
> think - ooops forgot there is a cap on Style-B.
> Anyway I digress....
> During the years I was on the MOPO list I saw several come & go and some
> return & leave again. I will never consider going back. (I don't think).
> MOPO who ?
> Signed,
> Clueless, Hardheaded, Grudge Holding, Disgruntled Mopolian (insert your own
> favorite label here)
> --- End forwarded message ---
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