
You raise a good I can see is nothing
deserves to have a few hundred people lumped into a
category of elitist, and that's coming from a person
who is an active member of MOPO, style-B and Movie
Poster Talk.

Scott, you have done a tremendous job at the helm of
MOPO, and with an even-handedness/headedness,
diplomacy and refusal to let your thermometor rise to
the red level even in the face of attacks, sometimes
of the most bizarre kind.

In closing, keep up the good work.  Don't let one or
50 cranky, pretentious missives detract from the place
you've built, and don't ever let a rash generalization
of this diverse and great bunch of people give you a
lost night's sleep.

Take care,

--- Scott Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I should let this die without comment but I just
> can't...
> Scroll down for a post (forwarded to me) that
> appeared today on Style-B.
> Read it and see how it makes *you* feel, THEN come
> back to the top for my
> comments....
> COMMENTS: Frankly, I've reached my limit on this
> kind of attack. MoPo is the
> way it is because that's the way the *participating*
> members want it.
> Bitching and moaning over on Style-B doesn't change
> a thing.
> "Stan" (the author of this post) as far as I recall,
> never voiced his
> opinions or concerns to me privately (he admits "he
> wasn't much of a
> contributor"), but he has no problems making them
> public now. He should have
> had the balls to contact me directly when he was a
> member. He should have
> stopped yelling at his computer screen and
> participated. Hell no, why do
> that? It's easier to just leave and post BS comments
> elsewhere.  "Stan" will
> probably get great pleasure in knowing he's ticked
> me off even without
> actually being a subscriber to MoPo, and that's
> fine. Revel in it "Stan."
> Way to go "Stan" for your sidelines attack disguised
> as commentary. You sign
> your message "Clueless, Hardheaded, Grudge Holding,
> Disgruntled Mopolian
> (insert your own favorite label here)"....well I
> think you should really
> insert "pompous ass" to the signature. It's easy to
> be critical on the fly,
> at a distance. It's much harder to actually change
> what you don't like. It
> takes participation, something "Stan" didn't care to
> do while a member of
> MoPo.
> We started out as a friendly little group of 10
> souls who liked to collect
> movie paper and talk about it amongst ourselves. I
> never in my wildest
> dreams thought running this group would become so
> difficult, frustrating and
> at times, depressing. Not to mention anger-inducing,
> as you can tell if
> you've read this far!  Perhaps on February 24, 2005
> as MoPo turns 10 we
> should turn out the lights and let this tired old
> group of "hobby 'elitists'
> who seem bent on collector-world domination" rest in
> peace. Sheesh!
> Scott
> MoPo List Owner
> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Fwd: What Is MOPO ?? [WARNING extremely
> long post]
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Stan"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Before anyone takes that question was
> heavily laced with
> sarcasm. I know what MOPO is.
> So the janitor quit his part time job. What - again
> ? :)
> ---
> [WARNING & Disclaimer] If you dislike long
> meandering posts -or- really like
> the MOPO list, save yourself some grief & please do
> not read further, you
> may get offended if you do.
> This is not a rant, but rather only me making casual
> conversation about my
> take on MOPO, based upon my personal
> experiences/opinions and nothing else.
> If you like MOPO more power to you and I wish you
> well over there.
> ---
> I spent several years on that list. I left and have
> not looked back.
> The timing of when I left, and the birth of Style-B
> was purely coincidental,
> but a happy circumstance nonetheless.
> There are some members of the MOPO list I truly
> liked/admired and they are
> missed. Leaving the MOPO list last year was a
> personal decision that was a
> long time coming. I wasn't much of a contributor at
> MOPO anyway, just like
> here at Style-B. I prefer to lurk, being more of a
> reader/watcher than a
> participant. When 'I' feel like it I'll chime in
> (Besides people write all
> these posts, articles, stories whateva...someone has
> to read them or it's
> all for naught isn't it ?)
> At MOPO after a long time, I had had enough, and was
> teetering on the brink
> of leaving for about 6-7 months. There came a time
> when Bruce had gotten his
> fill of the personal abuse (I presume) anyway, for
> whatever his own
> reasons..he left and a few others did also. I almost
> left then as well.
> Shortly thereafter, yet another round of 527-ish
> attacks began by
> the-(holding head high and speaking down my
> nose) MOPO list hoi-poloi...
> That was certainly not the 1st time nor the last,
> but was the last straw for
> me and the MOPO list. I realized at that point that
> the MOPO list is not for
> me, and never really was. I don't know why this
> instance was any different
> than the myriad just was. Now I should
> mention here for the sake
> of clarity that at this time Donnie didn't know me
> and vice-versa. This was
> the point at which Donnie and I first became
> acquainted. Just before the
> 'excreta hit the fan' at that time. I left MOPO,
> Donnie left, and a few
> others.
> Shortly thereafter Style-B appeared on the scene.
> MOPO (to me personally) is nothing more than a
> website/mailing list of hobby
> 'elitists' who seem bent on collector-world
> domination.
> Good luck with that. I built a collection of a few
> thousand posters,
> hundreds of trailers, and dozens of other various
> movie memorabilia
> collectible items without MOPO and that bunch.
> Fortunately I have the
> ability to get along fine without it/them.
> I applaud the fact that Donnie has rejected
> narcissistic type behavior on
> this list (for example -the recent revelation of the
> personal e-mails
> threatening to unsubscribe from Style-B if the
> janitor didn't do something
> about so & so...) Therein lies the difference
> between Donnie & Scott. MOPO &
> Style-B. I have abundant respect for Scott, and his
> efforts over there,
> don't get me wrong. I administer several full blown
> web forums (non hobby
> related) and know what it is like to be in their
> shoes. However, at MOPO the
> allowance of nepotism, and the strict on topic only
> - no off topic being
> human allowed, were deciding factors for me leaving.
> I used to read MOPO messages and occasionally yell
> out at my monitor at
> messages posted by these prigs. My meaner
> half..(ouch)
> I mean my girlfriend would hear me cussing my
> Philips monitor, come into the
> office and say "what, that poster collectors list
> again ?"
> I'd say "yea what a bunch of pathetic snobs"..and
> she would shake her head &
> say "if that bunch is so bad, why don't you just
> unsubscribe ?". Turns out
> she was right (yes again :).
> The only valid reasons I could come up with, was:
> . I would miss out on postings the members I
> respected and admired.
> . I might miss a tidbit of treasured info from a
> restoration specialist,
> framer, power-seller et al.
> . It was a broadened form of contact with others
> sharing the same affinity
> for movie paper.
=== message truncated ===

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