hello mopo.. hope all continue to have good health and  opportunities as we 
approach Xmas season!

 as for Hobby trends  ts simple..  the new phase is to simplifie.  a return to 
basics, and at same time

a expansionin gadgets, sounds contradictory? well  thats the 2000s.. space is 
becoming costly in USA so because incomes are becoming loposided
to spending downsizings in.

that means that babyboomers are letting Go.  However look at antiques and the 
good stuff still holds up..

same with  old cars, homes, etc.. Musical instruments.

Posters , art, comics, Books , coins etc.. have been affected by access of ease 
on the net, However
the shakeout will only last so long until the cream of th crop has been 
harvested by speculators..
then the Marketters  wil remarket it all over..
Thats the name of the game.. packaging , display , and create interest. the 
rest Follow.

So just like any market, buy low sell high..

as for private collectors, this seems like a good time to buy as many items are 

However many new Items seem to be  selling in a year for less then the initial 

By shopping the smaller dealers that have been around you may find many deals 
that the more

active and  prevelent dealers may offer. remember these dealers may have 
original material from 30-40 years back still sitting.. and would be
happy to sell at wholesale priceing.

the secret is to let the dealers know you are serious and will spend a good 
chunk and not spend hours tire kicking for bargins.. This is how any
serious dealer buys.. is buying groups and

spreading the purchase out as a investment overall. This technique also van 
work for novice collectors as you can get Your wanted posters fo
sometimes free By buying the lot then sell off
the balance via Ebay or useing as trade items. some dealers will give you 
double your cash
investment back in trade for the posters you seek. This way you keep spending 
and costs to a managable level and can enjoy the Hobbie for its
fun in enjoying the Images.

As for genres and Images History has shown the Horror scifi  as being leaders 
due to limited release. however all areas seem to be growing  as
the appeal for the classic graphics becomes
clearer .
 As the posters get more expisure in Books and on sites.. the demand will 
increase for many titles.
 Movie posters have really only gained acceptance for say 20 years from the art 
world so there
will be growing pains as the base grows..

just as a comidity can soften for various reasons it can also rebound for just 
as strange reason as the demise of interest.. remeber that Movies
were soft in 77 and then Lucas and Speilberg helped revive the industry.

Entertainment always seems to do best in bad economic times.  we are currently 
in transition,

home theatres.. at the same time a return toLarge screens.. so same with 
posters. very little Titles ne beeing requested. yet rare titles still
are holding.  the niddle turf is where the shakeout it at.

that my be the turbulant area.. mass marketers may suffer the most.. But the 
Mom amd pop

shops  will rebound. as the business foundation were based on more than Bottom 
line sale figures

" Profit is sanity Volume is vanity"

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