Bruce, I have always received outstanding (100+) service and quality of goods from you and consider you not only knowledgeable and helpful but one of the best in the business.  I can't help but wonder if you are not TOO nice, however, based in part on your comment that you consider a statement "vaguely threatening" ("My finger is on my trigger and it is itchy.")   I find that an outright dangerous threat and since people kinow your address and how to find you, I'd be scared to death were I in your shoes.  I think at the end of the day you have to do what's best for you.  If you do leave MOPO, I for one will miss you ver much.  All the best to you, Judi 
Judith Weaver

PSC 98, Box 0039

APO AE  09830

>From: Bruce Hershenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: Bruce Hershenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU >Subject: [MOPO] I like to be helpful, but... >Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:40:57 -0600 > >Ever since I began my weekly Internet auctions, I have tried to be >very >helpful to all dealers and collectors (except for the outright >crooks and >creeps). I have maintained a large links page, with links to many >"smaller" dealers who likely greatly benefit from my link, but where >I >doubt I get much benefit if any from their link. I have many times >ran >e-mails in my club praising other dealers (my direct competition!) >and I >don't see that doing so helps me at all. I have also always tried >to >answer all questions by phone or e-mail, even when I have not had >the time, >and when the answer does not benefit me in any way. > >For years I have participated in all three online discussion forums, >and >have linked to them from my website, and from my e-mail club, no >doubt >adding lots of members to each. I have also made hundreds of posts >to each >where I give answers to questions, or share my views on subjects >under >discussion, usually where I have nothing to gain, except knowing I >have >helped someone find their answer. > >Around a month ago I had an unfortunate experience on the Movie >Poster Talk >site. I picked up a "cyberstalker", who posted soon after almost >every >post I made, often fairly incoherently, and sometimes vaguely >threatening >("My finger is on my trigger and it is itchy"). I asked him to >stop, but >to no avail. It became very unpleasant to read these posts, and it >made me >question why I was there. I "de-listed" myself from the site, and >real >honestly, I find I don't miss it, and it gives me more time to not >post, >and time is my most precious commodity right now. Strangely (or not >so >strangely), my cyberstalker has pretty much quit posting, now that I >am gone. > >Now I am reading posts on MoPo which seem to say that those who buy >from me >are very foolish, as they pay me far higher prices than they could >find >elsewhere on eBay, and I am wondering why I am sending my buyers to >the >MoPo site. I rarely post anymore except to announce my latest >offerings, >and I have not found what has been posted all that interesting >reading (a >lot of it covers ground that has been covered many times in the >past, which >would of course be far more interesting to newer collectors). Why >should I >send my customers to a site where they will read jealous rants >against me, >and be told not to buy from me? > >So I am strongly considering quitting MoPo, and greatly reducing my >LINKS >page, and I am asking for others' opinions before I make this move. >Of >course if the response is a bunch of "anti-Bruce" rants, then you >will be >making my decision easy! > >I can't help but think that most of the members of the online forums >who >buy posters from me are also members of my e-mail club (3,000 >members), so >I will still be reaching them if I quit both forums. And I imagine >there >might be some people who quit buying from me if I don't support the >online >forums, but if so, I can accept that. All I want to do is keep >selling >posters in a 100% honest way (honestly described, well packed, >un-enhanced >images, etc) and therefore I would think most collectors would still >want >to do business with me whether or not I am in the online forums! > >I looked at Movie Poster Talk to see if I was being discussed, and >there >was a post asking me to not make my auctions private, so that >everyone can >see exactly who my buyers are. I made them private because of all >the >e-mail scams out there, and also because a lot of my buyers were >getting >e-mails from dealers either offering them material or berating them >for >paying too much! > >I make this offer. I will again make my auctions "non-private" just >as >soon as Heritage and Christie's do the same! > >I look forward to comments from MoPo members. > >Bruce > > Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at > >___________________________________________________________________ > How to UNSUBSCRIBE from the MoPo Mailing List > > Send a message addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > In the BODY of your message type: SIGNOFF MOPO-L > > The author of this message is solely responsible for its >content.

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