Title: Listserv Issues Resolved


American University informs me that MoPo should be back to normal. Our group had to be "recreated" on AU's listserv. Unfortunately this has caused some additional problems:

1)  Some of you receiving posts may be surprised since you UNSUBSCRIBED from MoPo--some many months ago.  I'm not sure what sub list AU used, but it appears some former subscribers have been reinstated. My apologies to those of you--we're not trying to force you to be a part of MoPo. Simply unsubscribe again by sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and type in the BODY of your message SIGNOFF MOPO-L. Or e-mail me and I'll remove you.

2) Those of you who received MoPo posts in DIGEST form will have to re-set that option with the listserv. You can do this by sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and type in the BODY of your message SET MOPO-L DIGEST. Again, I can set the option for you if you have a problem.

The AOL delivery issue remains unresolved, but AU claims it is on AOL's side.

Again, sorry for all the problems. Must be the heat.

MoPo List Owner

Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at www.filmfan.com
How to UNSUBSCRIBE from the MoPo Mailing List
Send a message addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In the BODY of your message type: SIGNOFF MOPO-L
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