Welcome back to the opium den. Bring your wallet?
The areas you mention are all still pretty solid. Bond was soft for a while but seems to be recovering. I'd say the same was true of the Rat Pack. I think you'll find some Scorsese had devalued a bit due to over-exposure on eBay. A never-ending glut of posters on eBay has had this affect on a lot of titles. So the price of the "average" poster, if there is such a thing, has declined quite a bit. But the big auction operations, on eBay and live, continue to have record-breaking sales every quarter or so, while many smaller sellers struggle to compete in the eBay mess.
Some surprises you might discover are that the prices of RealArt Universal Horror paper have really skyrocketed over the past few years and are now out of reach for most people. Seems this is the hottest "investment grade" movie paper in recent years.
A few weeks ago, the original one-sheet German movie poster from the first release of METROPOLIS sold privately, not at auction, for the all time record of $690,000. Until then, the previous record of $453,500, set in 1997 by THE MUMMY was still standing.
The best time in recent years to buy vintage sci-fi and monster paper was 3 to 4 years ago, in the years following 9/11, at the height of the weak economy. Since then, prices on that stuff have been creeping back up and are now at or beyond earlier levels. Darn it.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
From: joel katte
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 23:12
Subject: [MOPO] WHAT'S HOT?

Well, I feel like I've been out of the loop.  I've tried to keep my ear to the Poster World as much as I could in the last four years, but the births of two girls, the building of a new house, and the boring pursuit of a Masters Degree has made it difficult to keep up.  
Like a pre-puberty virgin in a high school locker room, I feel like I can't even carry on a conversation without looking stupid.  Well, maybe it's not that bad.  Freeman, go easy on me...I took a risk.  And Claude please don't bust me with some lawyer talk stating I'm sexually harassing anyone.
I have sold some posters here and there to help cover the costs of the new house , tuition, and Baby Gap clothes (UGH!), but I honestly feel like I'm clueless to what's hot right now.  Ebay's prices seem all over the place, so I'd be curious to what YOU, the experts, think. 
Sooo...  What TITLES, ACTORS, or DIRECTORS seem to be in considerable demand.
To get things started, I thought I would state what I think was hot when I started to check out about four years ago... 
Well, what do you think?
Best to all my friends from the past and hopefully soon-to-be new friends.
Yours in posters,
Joel Katte

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