David writes:
So long as the same people keep baring their souls here, it'd be nice for a
gay guy to step up to the plate to tell us whether a film like Brokeback
Mountain, for ex., reflects reality or not.  I'd like to know.
Oh come on David, go see the damn movie and decide for yourself. I am gay here in Fort Lauderdale, one of the largest gay destinations in the world, and I take acceptance of a gay lifestyle by the general public for granted here, yet there are always stories in the news popping up from time to time of gay bashings here and worldwide. Brokeback Mountain is a film set in rural bible belt areas and in a time when tolerance for homosexuality was not what it is today. Yet today, from areas similar to those in the film, we get modern true life stories like the tragedy of Matthew Shepard. Intolerance for diversity, taught to us by others which can lead to various forms of discrimination including self hatred and denial, violence, murder and suicide, is an all too real subject which society never seems able to conquer. Without going into detail, this film, as I said in my last post, clearly reflects a lot of real world issues. This is not a fantasy or a sexually exploitive film. The implied sex in this film is much tamer then the majority of heterosexual oriented films I have seen in my life, and I never stuck a needle in my eye in lieu of watching those (although I am a Gemini and have heterosexual tendencies). Also, it is mind boggling how many gay men are or have been married and have fathered children only because they have succumbed to societal pressures. So David, what is really your point in wanting to know who is gay or not....looking for a little excitement? If you ever make it to Fort Lauderdale, I will be happy to show you my collection!  Later, Evan
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