I just used a site called-


you can upload $$ from your bank account and send like paypal direct to the
seller account. The seller i used it for is in China, so should be available
to most countries.

No fee to put $$ into your buyer account, and spend when you need, the
commission is I assume in the sellers account.

fast and easy (although it takes a few days for the money from your bank to
reach your online account)


--------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bidpay
Date: 06/01/2006 11:14

> For a long time, Bidpay was one of the only options a lot of international
> bidders had. Paypal wasn't international. I graduated to writechecks.com
for a
> while, (their fees were lower than Bidpay's), but about that time PP went
> international and all was sweet after that (and writechecks is long gone
> Of course Bidpay also killed off a lot of business by no longer accepting
> MasterCard payments! Their loss.
> Why on earth anyone inside the US would have used it though, I have no
> I can't imagine life without Paypal now, though I did recently when I had
> send Andrija some money. Some in Europe (and Italy in particular) still
> signed up for Paypal though, which can make some transactions a pain in
> arse! I'd avoid them, but the stuff I collect isn't exactly auctioned by
> every three weeks. Even better now I can accept payments in AUD.
> Natalie
> Quoting Craig Miller &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;:
> &gt; I never understood why anyone used BidPay.  It was
> &gt; annoyingly cumbersome to use and all it was was a system
> &gt; by which you paid a company to issue and mail a money
> &gt; order.  If I'm going to do that, I'll just get a money order and
> &gt; mail it myself.  I used BidPay once because that's the only
> &gt; thing a seller in Canada would accept and vowed never to
> &gt; use it again.  Too expensive for too little service provided in
> &gt; an awkward fashion.
> &gt;
> &gt; Craig.
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