Hi all

It would be nice to use widespread statistics to solve our greatest problems
and such but I have to step in and use some subjectivity and suggest that what
you're seeing is only the popular opinion which is probably the opposite of the

critical opinion.  The truth is probably a dusty yellow somewhere in between.
My own personal belief is that all of QT's films (what Phil said is bang on to
me) would be below every single frame of film (even those left on the cutting
room floor) that somebody like Werner Herzog has shot.  A true film visionary
and incredible talent whose films stay with me forever and strongly so.  To
some, film is art, not entertainment.  And to some it's either/or at different
times.  Also, and I've asked this before, what is the deal with 'Shawshank
Redemption'?  Are people that blind or bored?  I guess it's subjective.

So what's the highest rated television show on right now.  I need to know
because I want to see what is 'the best'.

Take care,
Michael Greenwood

Andy Neal wrote:

> Good find Steve
> I have just found that on IMDb also....You can't argue with those
> statistics. A much more realistic perspective.
> "as voted by our users"
> To give Ang Lee a little credit, he does make it at Number 110 with "Wo hu
> cang long" (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) But I rest my case with
> Tarantino and all the other directors I mentioned being "Great"
> Regards
> Andy
> -

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