Well, being a total videogame and film geek, I've seen and played 'em all.  My film degree afforded me even more opportunities to see films not often screened, like Brakhage's Autopsy.  Intense and disturbing films, like Passolini's Salo.  I snuck into The Terminator when I was 15, and even then I knew that it was fun sci-fi, albeit a little violent.

I've played Doom. I've played Resident Evil.  I've played Strip Poker on an IBM PC circa 1984, determined to see those luscious monochrome boobies.

Oh, did I mention I have no criminal record, and no desire to kill or maim or assault anyone?  I got caught once shoplifting when I was 11.  That's it.

It boils down to parenting, people!  Plain and simple.  Any loving and caring parents should be playing an active part in their children's lives, and should know what they're doing and who they're hanging around with.  I do not blame The Matrix videogame for influencing those kids at Columbine.  I blame their parents for not knowing that their children had powerful firearms hidden in their closet.  No excuse.  Wake the f*ck up parents, take an active role in bringing up your children. Whatever kid gets pissed at his parents for not buying him or her a new car has had issues with their upbringing.  Period.  Films are not a "trigger" - there's something going on at a deeper level if you think a film causes some kid to go ballistic.

I would also like to refer everyone over to http://www.childsplaycharity.org - here are some absolutely avid, addicted gamers that got bored with the stereotype that all gamers are violent wanna-be criminals.  Last year, they raised over $600,000 for Children's Hospitals across the nation.  There are countless people out there, good-hearted and kind and giving, who just so happen to like the occasional horror film or video game.

I'm sick of everyone blaming film and videogames for being the root of all evil in the world today. 

Steve Zammar
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