Well, I was going to just drop this, as I felt I wasn't getting any intelligent debate from you, but now it's obvious just simply didn't read anything I wrote: "Since videogames are more cinematic now than ever before, I felt compelled to make this analogy between games and film." 

Additionally, videogames and film and music and books are ALL forms of media, which I think can be discussed here together.  We've had a flood of comic book inspired films lately (Fantastic 4, Batman, Spiderman, etc), can we not discuss comics here?  We also have videogames that are based on films (Spiderman again, The Incredibles, Harry Potter, The Matrix).  Screenplays are the building blocks for films, and are sometimes based on written fiction and non-fiction. Hell, we've even had a movie based off a ride at a theme park (Pirates of the Caribbean). In other words, it's all good.

"Video games will be the downfall of a once artistic society?"  That's a pretty shallow view of society - do you have anything (at all) to back that prediction up?

I went into an Apple store last week, and saw the kids table filled up completely with little tykes having an absolute blast playing Nemo (Finding Nemo) and some other educational games. I don't play a lot of them myself lately (not a lot of time anymore), but even I play some now and again, mainly Hockey and Galaga (classic) and some Pirates. Pirates also has a lot of mini-history lessons in it - about the ships of the time, how men lived on the ships, some of the most infamous pirates and their careers on the high seas. Not every videogame is a blood-drenched sex romp.

Getting back to your original premise of this thread, do you remember back in Roman times - there was this thing called the Colosseum?  Men were thrown in that arena to certain death - all for the entertainment of the masses.  I am not the best person to write theory, I don't have a command of the English language as much as I'd like, but horror has its roots in psychology - people have always been fascinated with death - it is the Ultimate Unknown.  Film is a way to explore that topic WITHOUT physically having to experience it.  Violence in horror film is a natural parallel - it lets us explore the darker side of our consciousness - again WITHOUT having to carry it out ourselves in the real world.  I've studied film theory, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.  I wish I could explain it better, but there it is - death, horror and violence are a NATURAL part of life.  Through film, we are safely allowed to experience it without having to live it. We all have a dark side, but our morality and judgement is what keeps us from letting it loose.  Why do you think Stephen King is such a successful writer?  He writes mainly horror. Because people want to have that thrill!

As for Hostel, I don't plan on seeing it myself - I've heard that it's just too bloody.  I just don't really wish to see it is all.  I'll see Underworld Evolution tomorrow, does that make me a bad person? There will be killing and blood (it's a vampire movie for pete's sake!), but it's all for good entertainment.  Your problem here is lumping a few bad apples in with the rest of the bunch.  You talk of "Mankind's view of entertainment", but where does a film like To Kill A Mockingbird fit in?  Atticus Finch as we all know was listed #1 in AFI's famous Heroes list. Should we throw the baby out with the bath water when we talk of Hostel?

Well, I've had my fill of this topic.  I'm going to sleep.  Got a big day ahead of listing some incredible Japanese posters (the aforementioned Mockingbird 2-panel, Magnificent Seven, Clockwork Orange and Midnight Cowboy 2-panels; Le Samourai, Straw Dogs, Bullitt, Last Tango in Paris, Good/Bad/Ugly, and Dirty Harry B2s).

Steve Zammar

On 1/19/06, Dr Vollin Md <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Secondly what do video games have to do with MoPo? We discuss movies and movie related items. I'd be curious to know how many MoPo'ers play video games? Lets see the hands! I myself do not.  the doctor
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