To all MOPOers, I apologize.
I should never have gone off topic and made a joke.  Some people don't recognize humor (that's why Arrested Development was canceled and no one watches The Office).  I checked the dictionary and yes, it was a joke, not a statement about poitics or the state of the world.  I'm sorry some folks don't have a sense of humor and subject all of us to a long lecture (I fell asleep twice while reading it) just because I'm an evil, Godless conservative.  I'm sorry that only some of us can make jokes here.  I thought the Dorian Gray joke was clever and I went all crazy and made a joke too.  I'm sorry.  I'll go crawl back under my rock.
I hang my head in shame as I chant beneath my breath....
You shall all die by Gamera's hand!*
*This too is a joke, stolen from MST3K, the greatest show ever.
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