HI MOPO>>> well since im the self proclaimed poster Boy Of MOPO heres a update...

I will be officially leaveing my address,, BY JULY 5, 2006

where will I Be??? I have no idea... Im considering renting a House.. or a resort style apartment.......

I have decided to sell off most all I own period and start over... plan a is to auction my books and boared posters off

plan db is that Ill sell my balance on EBay and still make my products while i decide who I am and were Im going...

plan c is Ill just get in a car and travel for a year and see the country.....:)

there is no plan d yet..

OK,,, hers my funny stuff..FReman laugh your ass OFF.... well as Im moving stuff, givingaway , selling the other night I was in the dark,, didnt see my Dog/// skippy,, and tripped over him twisting my back... at 1st I was OK now Im a cripple can barely pick up a piecof paper..... Imagine I am Moving all my heavy gear,,, 50 lb boxes and my back is out... hahahaa... OK then I couldnt remove my 12 foot screen printing conveyor dryer,, as I had sealed myself in... well I curt part of a wal to getout.... as I was standing there with dust a nd debrie all over me... my son pulls up and says does mom know you did that??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO and then he says I just backed the pick-up truck into a wall and squashed the bumper and back of bed of truck.... well.... My ex is going to
be very shocked when she gets back in the home for sure!

also I just did my last job for Bronx community college in Bronx, NYC... well the proffessor said Tom ive know you 12 years and Your Life is like " The TRUman Show" he said the entire show business community is watching to see what happens next in my crazy life... I said well I aint liking the story so far ,,, somebody demand a REWRITE!!!! revsion Please!!!

anyway........also Ive been TOLd dont be Nice to woman By about 50 people..... they say treat them like dogs and Ill be FIne..

well....................  OK>>> want a MIlkbone??? puppy!

aagghhhhhh anyways.... must be nice to have a normal Job, marrige and Life...

I will be  50 in august..... Hopefully I will have some balance by then..

also..... If someone can sell my experiances and this story to Hollywood let me know.. however I douby anyone would believ it

Or maybe even give a shit!

But If i dont laugh myself at this.... I will be one of those idiots that does something stupid and ends up on CNN..

really dont make this stuff up.... I am not a writer.. I cant even spell fr christ sake!

this guy asks me today... why did you sign over your building and Home qquit claim deed to ex??? I said For my son so he would have a PLace..

well... he was in shock...... just like freeman when I gave the Oscar back for 3000 to academy////

Face it folks.... some people are just not to Bright,,,,, if you didnt have losers... How could there be winners as we would all cross the FRicken line... at the same time...and all have Fricken Oscars!!!

I had one and didnt even win one! and gave it back how Much stupider can One get!!!

see what I mean VERN????????

wher are thise aleins when you need them... somene to them Im will to be abducted and flown to whereever for research !!!
thanks... perplexed in TOledo but almost FREEE!

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