I found it so bloody annoying that I started www.MoviePosterBid.com as an 
alternative auction site which simply wouldn't allow that sort of thing. Ebay 
actually encourages sellers to list an item in two categories (so they get two 
listings fees, natch). This is a clear indication that they don't care about 
category integrity and never have. It used to be that sellers of things like 
reprints would list in the repro category and also in the originals category. 
That was perfectly acceptable as far as eBay was concerned. Now, most don't 
bother to list in repros at all, but just dump everything into originals, so 
eBay's attitude has not only destroyed category integrity, but now eBay is not 
even getting the extra listing fees they were figuring on when they allowed it. 
Serves them right. I've been using keyword searches on eBay for a long time 
now... combined with the exclusion of certain keywords and measurements that 
the reprint sellers tend to use a lot. This helps get me a fi!
 ltered list of stuff being offered, but even so a lot of useless junk still 
slips through.

-- JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "channinglylethomson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 1:37
Subject: [MOPO] EBAY Movie Poster Categories By Year

> I was browsing EBAY tonight and looking at movie poster auctions for 
> various decades including the 40s, 50s and the 60s.  From what I can 
> tell, there are a number of sellers that simply make no effort to see 
> that posters are placed in the proper categories by year.  I'm not just 
> talking about a few mis-listed posters but MANY of them.  Anyone else 
> find this annoying?

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