Just two comments on this email of yours:

1. I don't think there is a good reason for changing the methodology of posting Public vs. Private emails on MOPO, because MOST MEMBERS ALREADY KNOW HOW TO ACCOMPLISH BOTH !

2. You are entitled to your opinion as to who is the "offender" in this latest affair, but its a little obvious that in expressing your opinion, you are trying to tell Scott what he ought to do about it. Let him just do it his way, he did just fine thus far.

Thanks for listening,


----- Original Message ----- From: "JR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground

Scott and everyone,

It should be noted that currently the MOPO list *defaults* to sending a private message to JUST the sender when the "reply" button is hit. To send a public message to the group, you have to hit "reply to all". I used to complain about this, because I think it tends to encourage private discussion, rather than public, but I've been consistently out-voted every time I've suggested changing the list's default behavior. But perhaps it is time to make the suggestion again?

If it is made so that when a user hits "reply" that their post is automatically going to go out to the whole group, that should serve as a psychological pause and perhaps give everyone a chance to think about what they are about to write. The email address of the individual would still be available in the body of the reply and you could easily copy-and-paste it into the TO window if you really wanted to send a private message.

This is the way most of the lists I am on function and I think it would be beneficial to MOPO to make this change. It simply makes the default reply a public post instead of a private post, but does not prevent the sending of private messages if desired.

I also think we have had way too much off-topic discussion lately (and I've been at fault as much as anyone else). In theory, off-topic threads should lead to greater personal understanding and communication between members, but in practice it seems that such threads usually lead to petty sniping, cat-calling and generally useless chit-chat. There are plenty of other places to engage in that sort of thing --we really don't need to engage in the same kind of song-and-dance on MOPO. So I personally am going to make the effort to stick with movie and movie-poster related topics for a while.

As for those who defiantly say they will continue to publicly forward clearly-labeled PRIVATE messages to this list... Scott has made it clear that as LIST OWNER he considers this inappropriate behavior for MOPO. In the past, when Scott has said something like that it has been sufficient for the membership of this list to respect his wishes and behave accordingly. Now it seems we have a couple of people who are more used to the anything-goes nature of some of the other forums and are saying they will continue to do this whether Scott likes it or not. That's an unfortunate attitude and I can only suggest that if that's the way they are going to behave that Scott may need to consider officially adding such a rule and making suspension from this list the penalty for violating it. I honestly hate suggesting such a thing. MOPO has got along fine for over a decade without much in the way of "official rules"... but if the new generation doesn't want to behave according to generall!
y accepted etiquette and protocol, then there may be no choice. A pity.

-- JR

----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 23:02
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground

> Phi-Nga Jeannie Le Wrote:
> While a list group or forum is controlled by a single entity, the
> listowner, it is still a public group.   Any communication between
> members ought to remain within the public forum, unless it is
> mutually agreed that  private communication can be
> established off the list.
> Though one member may choose to initiate private contact with
> another member by using the email address provided by the
> list group, that however does not constitute permission by
> the receiving member for the first member to establish
> contact off-list.  As such, there has been no mutual
> agreement to engage in private communication.

OK just how would this work?

If I'm understanding Jeannie's logic (quoted above) I assume a member would have to post a PUBLIC message asking for permission to send a PRIVATE e-mail
to another list member.

So if you reply to the author of a post (via private e-mail) without first posting a public message asking for permission, the receiver of that private
e-mail hasn't agreed to "establish contact off-list" and therefore the
e-mail exchange is an unwelcome one?

While this may sound morally correct in theory, in reality it would be a
nightmare in the real world. Wouldn't it be great if we could get the
spammers to adopt this philosophy?

IMHO, if you join a discussion group in effect you are saying I want to
participate. If that means PUBLIC posts and PRIVATE e-mail so be it.  You
can choose to ask someone who contacts you privately not to do so or simply
ignore such a message. Where the real problem lies is with the content of
either type of message and those who lack the sense to act like civil

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