Thanks, I really appreciate your stepping up in public to say something against Susan's unwarranted and vicious 24-hour long attack. Yeah, it's obvious to some people (who have not spoken publicly) that Scott should never have let her back in in the first place and should have taken this right-out-of-the-gate violation of the rules in her very first posts as a perfect reason to fix that mistake and remove her. He told me he did send her... privately... a "stern warning" that she couldn't do that sort of thing anymore. So, you may be safe on MOPO (for a while)... but watch your step if you participate in NS4GE.
What Scott doesn't get is that a private warning -- when she had spent 24 hours blasting me in public with 6 separate messages -- just doesn't cut it for me. I refrained from answering her public lies and accusations about me because I thought he would *at least* publicly reprimand her. By not doing that, he basically lets all of her public comments stand unchallenged, which forced me to respond to them, which is exactly what I didn't want to do.
But the unkindest cut for me was when his only public action was to send out a "Friendly Reminder" and lump me in with her, as though I were at least as much at fault in the one-way "exchange" as she was -- no, that's adding insult to injury.
I am a bit perplexed... I would have expected at least a few more people to publicly comment while this was going on... at least a couple of messages along the lines of  "Cool it, Susan, this is inappropriate" or "What's your problem, girl?" or at least something like "We really don't appreciate this kind of language on MOPO". But aside from you, no one did even that much and that really cuts the legs out of my feeling that MOPO is worth spending any time on right now.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:29
Subject: Re: [MOPO] This does not go unanswered -- long out of necessity, I'm afraid

I don't blame you, J.R.  When reading your post and re-reading hers, it's clear you were not to blame. 
Susan is the reason I left style-b.  Actually, I just stopped the emails like you're doing here.  She recently booted  me off.  I received two emails the same day, one right after the other.  The first said something about needing to post or renewing...I didn't bother reading, quite frankly.  When I realized who was behind it, I automatically deleted it. The other said I was booted off.  Quite a relief!
I couldn't care less.  Personally, I want nothing to do with her.  Scott suggested I simply delete or ignore her messages; which I shall do. 
But truly,imo, Scott should have tossed her.  IMO, she's just seeking attention and I find that pathetic. 
I don't think Susan has it in her to abide by the rules.  We should have a bet to see how long she can make it!
I'll bet she can't resist pounding me now.  I won't know though, because anything from her will never again make it to my eyes.
As my grandmother would have said, "Feh!"

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