You're one guy that can always make me laugh, and this time is no exception.  Also, very wise words.
Love ya,
----- Original Message -----
From: pj angel
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Best Poster Fiend? publicly asking JR to calm down

Frankly, I really enjoy talking or engaging in friendly debate with you, but it's time to let this go. Susan shouldn't be in some sort of "cooler" and you shouldn't be reading archives instead of e-mails. You've only hurt yourselves with these unnecessary "punishments."
I don't see a long lasting olive branch between the two of you. But I do see two people that know a lot about movies and posters and I want both to post and to make others feel welcome. Is that too much to wish for? Ron
I hope you read that JR. His name isn't Wis(e)berg for nothing.
Have you had time to calm down and realized why EXACTLY there were no sides taken publically here between you and Susan? By the time I had my retort ready to fly Scott came out and quelled any notion of the flame expanding anymore than it had. Scott said that matters were handled privately and to "move on", as I think he stated it. I deleted my "contribution" to the skirmish after that and elected to see what would happen. I didn't think you'd get all freaky and serious-like threaten to leave the group!
Pretty wise guy, that Moderator of ours. He wasn't going to allow Mo Po to relive another "low point of Mo Po's existence" as he himself tagged it a few years ago. Can anyone blame him? Back then I bet his finger was "on the button" to end the MoPo forum once and for all. It was MoPo's Bay of Pigs.
Had Scott not stepped in when he did I'm sure there would of been dozens of public Pro-JR posts of "Gather pitchforks and torches, Mopers! STORM! STORM THE OLSENSTEIN CASTLE!! KILL THE SHE-BEAST!" with dozens of equally passionate "Susan For President! JR SHOULD BE NEUTERED! SLOWLY!" retorts from the other side. Back and forth. Back and Forth. Until what? We all turned to butter, perhaps?
It would have been entertaining as hell, but got us, as a group, no where. 
So. Susan is back on MoPo. Let's deal with it. Welcome her with open arms. Hurricane Susan, whose sustained winds and storm surge could flatten Miami. Prepare for it. Read the warning flags, stock up, and be prepared to evacuate. Those are the steps you take. You don't leave the country, dude.
Susan is right at home at Style B and NS4GE, especially when she's with the other "wimmin'" over there. Things can be pretty entertaining (and nasty), for sure. Over there Susan is like watching DEADWOOD with six-pack and a few rowdy friends. But when she starts dropping F Bombs on MoPo it doesn't seem right. It's like watching DEADWOOD with your Mother and Dad in the room. There are some things you just dont say with parents around. For instance, "Hey C**ksu**er, Pass the F***ing chips!"  would qualify as something one would not say with a parents in the room, but something that could accidently slip out while watching DEADWOOD.
Susan can make Al Swearengen blush. If she wants to. She's our Calamity Jane. That's a compliment, btw. A Point of Pride for her and for us. And it appears she's trying hard to "be at home" and playing nice-nice on MoPo, too. I like that. 
I'm surprised you haven't recognized the BEST POSTER FIND thread for what it is: a positive step forward. I'll say that again, this time in bold with italics, and underlined:
a positive step forward. As ON TOPIC as MoPo can get. It's why MoPo was invented, for these types of involving threads between poster collectors. It's an attempt to move on, and QUICKLY, to better things. And it's working. Who ever started it was/is genius.
So, JR. What do you say? Co-exist with all of us. You make MoPo a better place.
Disregard those flippant lurkers who have never, and will never, contribute to MoPo and this hobby like you have. 
Man, you're the guy who created and made MPB WORK, for crying out loud! We all owe you for that. Go read Rich's latest post in your behalf. It was great. It embarassed somebody, for sure.
You're The Poster Curmudgeon, you know.  
So, JR. What do you say? Tell us all about your BEST POSTER FIND.
Ron Wisberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was really enjoying the Best Poster Find messages, noticed Susan posted with something very positive, and then saw JR in my in box.
For a second my heart thought, wow, maybe the two really can live in peace. WRONG. JR hijacked one of the most positive threads I've seen in months and attempted to take it back to his own personal agenda.
Sorry JR, Susan Olsen seems very willing to let it go and talk about posters, can't you? I would rather talk about posters than I would whatever BADblood exists between you two. Let's drop who pounced first, let's forget public or private insults, let's get on with it. Are we keeping score as to who posted more negatives in 24-hours? Sorry, I stopped trying to keep score in life some time age.
Frankly, I really enjoy talking or engaging in friendly debate with you, but it's time to let this go. Susan shouldn't be in some sort of "cooler" and you shouldn't be reading archives instead of e-mails. You've only hurt yourselves with these unneccesary "punishments."
I don't see a long lasting olive branch between the two of you. But I do see two people that know a lot about movies and posters and I want both to post and to make others feel welcome. Is that too much to wish for? Ron

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