We want to make sure all those reading this are aware of the items we have 
closing this coming week, both in our regular Tuesday auction ending May 1st, 
with just a TON of great posters!), and in our SECOND 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/thursdayauctions.php>Thursday night 
auction (our first Thursday auction closed on the 26th, but that only contained 
85 "bulk lots"; our first regular Thursday auction started on the26th and ends 
the 3rd, and YOU should be sure to check it out)!  

What is in our Tuesday night auctions that close TUESDAY, May 1st on eBay?
This is a REALLY special auction that includes many oversized posters! 857 
Three-sheets, Six-sheets, Billboard posters, Argentinean posters, & British 
Quads on eBay ending Tuesday, May 1st beginning around 7 PM CST!  Read more 
about these great items below, or go see them right now (with large thumbnails 
and links to these great auctions on eBay for easy bidding) in our 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php>Tuesday Auction 
Some of the "better" titles include: 
    three-sheets: Strangers on a Train, Dial M For Murder, Star Wars, Casino 
Royale, Half-a-Dollar-Bill, Target Earth, The Birds, Them!, Tire Trouble, Grand 
Prix, Picking Peaches, Barbarella, and much, MUCH, more!
    six-sheets: Quiet Man, Star Wars, How Molly Made Good, Ocean's 11, 
Clambake, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Very Private Affair, Pillow Talk, Come On 
Tarzan, Knock on Any Door, and much, MUCH, more!  
    British quads: Get Carter, Doctor Zhivago, Chinatown, Man Who Shot Liberty 
Valance, Alice in Wonderland, The Joker Is Wild, Cat Girl, and much, MUCH, more!
    Argentineans: Gone With the Wind (1939 first release!), Saludos Amigos, 
East of Eden (rare two-panel), Long Voyage Home (rare two-panel), Mister 
Roberts (rare two-panel), Night of the Hunter, Anatomy of a Murder, Gun Crazy, 
and much, much more! 
MAY 1ST, every single one of our items started at just 99 cents with no reserve 
so there will surely be many real bargains and quite likely some outright 
steals! As of this writing (Thursday morning, and of course there is a lot of 
time left), around 550 of these 857 items are still at their opening bid of 99 
cents(!), around 630 are still under $5, and around 800 are still under $25! 
And most of the 50 or so items that are over $25 are FAR under their regular 
retail price (the ones you could find anywhere else). And there are a HUGE 
percentage of items that retail for $20, $30, or $40 or more which are still 
only a dollar or two each, so there are plenty of great bargains to be had!

REMEMBER THAT (unlike some other sellers of movie posters) WE ARE NOT TALKING 
auctions, you can purchase up to FIFTEEN 99 cent items and your total cost is 
$14.85, plus JUST $10 U.S. shipping (or the actual cost of shipping if you buy 
tri-folded posters), for a total U.S. cost for those 15 items of just slightly 
more than $25 for ALL fifteen of them!

Remember that YOU can't get those great deals if you aren't bidding! AND YOU 
HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE! If you place a bunch of fairly low bids but only get one 
or two items, then you are sure to be happy, for you will have gotten some 
really good deals, and paid a very reasonable shipping cost (you only pay $10 
U.S. shipping or the actual cost of shipping if you buy tri-folded posters, or 
the actual cost of shipping plus $2 for packaging materials if you live outside 
the U.S.).  Even if you place a bunch of bids and get nothing at all, you will 
only be out a little of your time, and no more.

Be sure to check out these 857 Three-sheets, Six-sheets, Billboard posters, 
Argentinean posters, & British Quads we have on eBay ending Tuesday, May 1st 
beginning around 7 PM CST (either by going to 
 or by using the link from our HOME page, 
<http://www.emovieposter.com>http://www.emovieposter.com or by finding us by 
our eBay user ID, emovieposter.com). We feel certain that if you purchase even 
one of them and then once you see how honestly we describe them and how we 
charge only the actual shipping cost and how we send them right out promptly 
and well-packed, that you will declare your independence from those auction 
houses with the outrageous buyers premiums, the over-graded items, the 
misleading images that obscure defects, and the outrageous shipping! Good luck 
on whatever you may bid on. 

What is in our first regular Thursday night auctions that close THURSDAY May 
3rd on eBay?
    314 unfolded (or former folded but stored flat) 27" x 41" one-sheets (no 
27" x 40" posters here!), including LOTS of great titles, and quite a few from 
the 1930s and 1940s!  Some of the better older titles include: an incredible 
collection of TEN Alfred Hitchcock one-sheets (includes first release 
Spellbound, both styles from Saboteur, Rope, Paradine Case, and early 
re-releases from Spellbound, Rebecca [two different!], Saboteur, and 39 Steps), 
one of the very best Marilyn Monroe one-sheets, Don't Bother to Knock, some 
Elvis and Beatles titles, and much more!
    Some of the better older titles include: Star Wars style C printer's proof 
(with ratings!), Halloween (guaranteed rolled original!), Apocalypse Now (rare 
rolled original sent by the studio to Academy members!), Jaws 2 teaser (the 
classic "just when you thought is was safe" poster in unfolded excellent 
condition), Goonies, Breakfast Club, Empire Strikes Back (GWTW style), Dune 
(two moons advance), and much, MUCH, more!  
    Be sure to check out these 314 unfolded (or former folded but stored flat) 
27" x 41" one-sheets ending THURSDAY May 3rd beginning around 7 PM CST in our 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/thursdayauctions.php>Thursday Auction 
Image Gallery)! 

Do you know about our Tuesday and Thursday Auction Galleries?  One of the worst 
kept "secrets" in the movie poster hobby is that it is FAR easier to look at 
our items through our 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php>Tuesday Auction 
Gallery and our 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/thursdayauctions.php>Thursday Auction 
Gallery.  When you look at our items on eBay, you do not see an image of the 
item until you open the auction, which is very time consuming (we don't use 
their "gallery" image, both because it is absurdly overpriced and because the 
gallery image is too tiny to see any details).  So instead, we have our own 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php>Tuesday Auction 
Gallery and our 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/thursdayauctions.php>Thursday Auction 
Gallery, both of which have much larger images of each item, so that you can 
determine if an item interests you BEFORE you click on it, thus making your 
surfing time far more !
 productive.  PLUS these galleries are searchable by star, director, genre, 
year, or anything you want to search for! Once you discover our galleries we 
would be amazed if you go back to looking at our items directly on eBay.
     The prices in our galleries update every 5 minutes, so the price under 
each item can only be up to 5 minutes old. Generally, this is no big deal, 
EXCEPT if you are looking at items as they are closing, then we recommend you 
bid on the actual eBay page (which is easily accessed from our gallery pages).
     But because so many of our bidders now use our gallery, on rare occasions 
it has overwhelmed our server, and some of our bidders have not been able to 
access it, especially right when the auctions are closing.  Worse yet, an 
outage in our server means that you can't see the images on our eBay auctions, 
because our large and super-sized images are housed on the same server as our 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php>Tuesday Auction 
Gallery.  SO WE HAVE ALSO CREATED <http://www.emovieposter.info>BACKUP "MIRROR" 
<http://www.emovieposter.info>http://www.emovieposter.info and are available if 
our main gallery is down, so the only time you want to use it is whenever you 
CAN'T access our regular 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php>Tuesday Auction 
Gallery and our 
<http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/thursdayauctions.php>Thursday Auction 
Gallery, OR when you can't view !
 some or all of the images on our auctions (even if you can't see them on eBay, 
you will be able to see them in our backup galleries).  You will likely either 
never need it, or only use it once, but if you are a regular bidder in our 
auctions, it will be invaluable to you the day you DO need it, for you will be 
able to see all of our large images, and use this "mirror" version of our 
Current Auction Image Gallery, even though the main version is unavailable.  
PLEASE ADD <http://www.emovieposter.info>http://www.emovieposter.info TO YOUR 

We have lots of great auctions coming up!  
    On Tuesday May 1st, we will add approximately 700 folded one-sheets, 
including lots of top titles from the 1960s and 1970s, and around 100 from the 
1930s and 1940s.  You won't want to miss this auctions!
    On Thursday May 3rd, we will add approximately 250 Thirty By Forties and 
Forty By Sixties (and other oversized non-linenbacked posters) to eBay in our 
third Thursday night auctions! 

        If you want to be sure to keep up with everything we are currently 
auctioning, you should consider joining our great weekly e-mail club (over 
1,800 members!).  This club will keep you informed about everything we are 
selling through just ONE e-mail a week, and many weeks we make great bonus 
offers to club members who buy multiple items from us on eBay! So if there is 
ANY chance at all that you might end up buying a number of items from us on 
eBay in future weeks, then you have a LOT of incentive to join the club (if you 
are not already a member) because we will keep on giving away excellent prizes 
to those members of the club who buy multiple items. Note that we have recently 
revamped and greatly improved this club! It no longer is a very long e-mail (it 
is now just a very brief e-mail, with a link to the message on our site), and 
we now run fun weekly polls, which a couple of hundred participate in each 
week, with great prizes for randomly selected members!
    Why not join the club today (if you are not already a member)? You'll at 
most receive ONE e-mail a week, and your e-mail address is NEVER given out to 
anyone, and you have a great chance to win great prizes, and you can quit 
anytime! Just go to 
 and fill out the super simple form, and you will be a member, and qualify for 
the great club bonuses!

Bruce Hershenson

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