When the most exciting moment is seeing a few celebrities almost slip and  
fall when approaching the microphone because apparently Marion Cotillard when  
accepting her Oscar was so excited that she reverted back to her Edith Piaf  
brilliant performance and pissed on the stage and no one would dare stoop to  
clean it up, well, then, that is a most boring show. With 3 boring Disneyesque  
song and dance numbers to ho hum through, and a very lackluster host, I think 
it  was just a tribute to what a dismal year this country has just gone 
through, so  bad that not even the magic that once was HOLLYWOOD could lift our 
spirits for  more then a brief moment.
 And, so many of the big winners were foriegn to boot... are we even  
outsourcing our movie talent now? I am both pleased and shocked that Cotillard  
won a 
well deserved best actress Oscar as her performance was astonishing, ( but  
so was the make-up) however, anyone wish to share their knowledge about the  
Oscar rules concerning foriegn language films winning such awards? 
Where is OSCAR going?????? If nothing else, please put the entertainment  
value back into its presentation. Hosting that program is no easy task, but the 
great comedians always seem to do a good job. I do not see Jon Stewart in that 
 light at all. JMHO, Evan Bernstein

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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