Hey Craig,

  I do appreciate your opinion. I know you as my customer, fellow movie poster 
collector and know you are a very fair person. My experiences with Freeman have 
been positive. As I said, sometimes we all steer away from our regular demeanor 
for whatever reasons, ie. bad day, frustrations, whatever. I was not condoning 
anyone's bad behavior. As for the buyer's premium thread, I started it because 
I really wanted to hear what others had to say, to some degree to substantiate 
my own feeling. I am not what you would call a dealer. While I have sold movie 
posters, it's not my regular thing right now. I stated right off that I feel 
the buyers premium should be included in the final value of the poster. I get 
the drift about adding your hotel bill, your cab ride, etc. but I figured the 
most people wouldn't take it that far, while it does bring up some interesting 
thinking. (However, next time I have an auction in Beverly Hills, I might have 
to add the cost of cupcakes at Sprinkles to my final poster value!!)

   I consider Rudy a friend and an expert. I read what he posted with interest 
and then realized that a lot of what we were all "discussing" and "arguing" 
about was really a semantics issue.  As I read all of the comments, and I was 
offline for Sunday and Monday, so am just reading most of them this morning, I 
realize how varied the opinions are and, more importantly, that sometimes it is 
just a case of semantics. Some people say value, some say cost, etc. I guess, 
for me personally, when I think of the "value" of a poster I purchased, I think 
of it in terms of how much money I had to give for that poster. Since I never 
have a "credit" at any auction house, that never applies to me. Now, I hadn't 
even considered shipping costs. So, the thread was interesting to me to see how 
others view it. If someone asks me how much I pay, I usually quote the hammer 
price plus the buyer's premium.  In fact, the shipping should be applied, but I 
hadn't even thought of that.

     I get customers who call me all the time and start the conversation with 
"I have a stupid question."  I tell them no question is stupid (I know some of 
you are saying corny, huh!!). Same goes here on the group. I hear questions 
that often come from a new collector that might seem rudimentary to us "old 
fogies".  But I understand the origin and go with it.  I have answered framing 
questions, many of them very basic, ad nauseum to this group, but the same 
questions keep coming and I keep answering them. That's my contribution for the 
most part and, while some on the group may be sick of hearing the answers, I 
still get private emails from people here on the group all the time thanking me 
for the info. 

   As always, thank you Scott, for providing this venue for us to discuss and 
learn, not only about movie poster issues, but human nature.

Take care all,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Craig Miller<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11:08 AM
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Freeman Fisher


  I don't know Freeman.  He may be wonderful guy.  But calling someone's 
  opinion -- especially a thought out, defined opinion -- moronic is neither 
  nice nor intelligent.  He's saying no one is allowed to disagree with his
  opinion.  Something nice people -- and polite people -- simply do not do.  
  People are allowed to have differences of opinion. 

  It's interesting to note throughout the hammer price/buyer's premium 
  discussion, people who are poster dealers all agreed (all except Rudy, 
  that is) that the buyer's premium *must* be added to the hammer price to 
  determine the value of the poster.  It's a philosophy that goes well toward 
  raising the prices of their inventory.  Are the dealers all so calculating as 
  want to artificially drive up the value of their merchandise?  Perhaps not, 
  it isn't a difficult argument to make.  Especially when the non-dealers all 
  it differently.

  And, only the dealers (and not just Freeman) have made comments that the 
  people with differing opinions are stupid or fools or somesuch.


  At 10:24 AM 7/15/2008, Susan Heim wrote:

    I have to agree with Claude on this one. Freeman is one of the nicest 
people I have met in this hobby. He is funny and very generous. I typically 
find his posts very thought provoking and usually hilarious. Sometimes, we 
humans, particularly out of frustration, say things that are misinterpreted. I 
know Freeman would never hurt someone intentionally. I know I have made that 
mistake and sometimes right here on MoPo. I say things because, in my mind, I 
am saying them to a group of friends I have known for a long time. I feel I am 
in trustworthy hands. I forget, though, that there are "lurkers" out there who 
may have another agenda. That certainly happened to me a few weeks ago right 
here on the group. So, we all live and learn and just like a "marriage" you 
have to take the good with the bad. 
    P.S..........My post I started.........."O.K....where do you stand?".... 
about the "buyer's premium" was the most action I've had in months!!

      ----- Original Message ----- 

      From: Claude Litton<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


      Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 7:16 PM

      Subject: Re: [MOPO] Freeman Fisher

      I have read all the posts for the last few days and I believe what 
Freeman wrote was directed at more than one comment and most likely out of 
frustration.  Freeman Fisher is a wonderful person and I have  enjoyed my 
relationship with him (through mopo, buying and selling and just conversing on 
the telephone).

      He is a great asset to mopo and as Kirby said, more people should post.  
I like reading comments even if I disagree with them.  What I dislike are 
stupid one liners that are meant to be funny but are a total waste of time.  
(Now is the time to attack me for that statement but please keep in mind that I 
am a thick skinned old bird.)    I have loved every post Freeman has made and 
may he keep doing what he does best, which is putting words together like no 
one else.  He is in a class by himself.

      Claude L


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