I actually would compare Spielberg to directors like John Sturges, George Stevens, Frank Capra and John Ford.

Directors who worked at their field day in day out and were successful directing films of all genres successfully and having the occasional Oscar caliber film as well as the very successful blockbuster money maker

while I can understand who some people don't care for Spielberg, there can't be any doubt that he is a talented director that makes films different demographics can enjoy. maybe you won't watch Jaws, but you'll watch Private Ryan and Munich, or you like Catch Me if You Can and Sugarland Express, or you like Jurassic Park & War of the Worlds.. something for everyone..

I will admit also that while I did not care for WOTW when I saw it in the theatre, I did pick up the dvd and watch it last week.. not one of steve's best.. but the reasons I didn't like it may have been more personal than cinematic

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