There is a discussion thread devoted to the rumor in the eBay stores section
at eBay community discussions.

Quick summary:  It looks to me like the worries/rumors started when the
store/shop inventory format was eliminated at eBay UK and eBay Italy, in
conjunction with the other changes at eBay US.  Apparently, some ambiguous
statements about the potential status of eBay stores subsequent to January
'09 also fueled the fire.

I don't know exactly what the shop inventory format thing means for Italy or
UK eBay store operators - since it seems that there will still be Italy and
UK stores, but perhaps forced to use the Fixed Price, Buy It Now, or some
other format?  In other words, are they eliminating UK and Italy stores, or
are they just collapsing two kinds of formats together?  I also wonder how
many UK and Italy stores there ever were.

I don't usually participate in the grousing and griping about eBay in these
parts, mainly since I made my own personal/emotional disinvestment in eBay a
couple of years ago when the sprung the since-rescinded listing fee price
hikes on store sellers.  It's what inspired me finally to get off my ass -
or, to be more precise, down onto my ass - and create my own freestanding

Otherwise, I think most of the changes at eBay are oriented around concerns
that are secondary to buyers and sellers of fine movie posters.  For
instance, on shipping charges, I'm presuming it's part of the long twilight
struggle between eBay and certain relatively high volume sellers of mass
consumer items who would conceal their take in excessive (sometimes
ludicrously excessive) shipping charges.  The practice cost eBay money, and
also contributed to poor buyer experiences and impressions.  And the same
sellers who use that method also clutter up the site with crap, and tend to
be the kind of people who accumulate negatives and eventually disappear
overnight,  leaving a lot of expectant buyers hanging.

I also think it's bad form to bite the hand that feeds you or has fed you.
If you don't like it anymore, or just happen to have moved your main
interest elsewhere, fine, but constantly carping about it is, to me, a bore.
eBay still represents a substantial part of my turnover, some months more
than others, and I'd be sad to see it go (not eBay, the turnover - forecasts
of eBay's demise are exaggerated, IMO).  I guess I'd finally find out how
things work when you transfer everything you spend on subscriptions and fees
to adwords and other advertising.

No one knows nothing.


CK MacLeod Collectibles at <>
Kymar's on eBay <>

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 05:25 AM
Subject: RE: [MOPO] EBay stores

A friend of mine said he thought he recalled seeing it in an e- mailing from
eBay. I never received such a message, so I thought I would ask you all.

--- On Wed, 8/27/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: RE: [MOPO] EBay stores
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 12:44 AM
Where'd you hear the rumor, Diana?

On the basis of past experience, I wouldn't be surprised if eBay denied that
they intended to close down stores until the day they suddenly announced
they were closed or about to close the next week.

Is it possible that you heard that "ProStores" was going to be closed down?
It was eBay's standalone "shopping cart," linked to eBay but not on eBay or
easily promoted through eBay, once upon a time purchased for billions as I
recall, that I don't believe has ever gotten very far off the ground.

It seems odd that they'd bring the fees for eBay stores way down again, most
of the way back to where they were a couple of years ago, and move the site
generally towards fixed price offerings, but close down eBay stores at the
same time.  However, it's difficult to predict what they might do and why.

Will do some research of my own.


CK MacLeod Collectibles at <>
Kymar's on eBay <>

-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 09:24 PM
Subject: [MOPO] EBay stores

Hi everyone,

Is the rumor true that all eBay stores are slated to be closed by eBay? If
so, when, and why?

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