Recently I had a foreign buyer contact me while an auction was running about a 
lobby card asking if I would ship it in a tube.

I told them that I would ship the item flat, gave them a very brief history of 
lobby cards, and sent them a link to so that they 
could learn more about lobby cards etc.

They bid and won the item irregardless and then sent me an e-mail asking that I 
roll the item in a sturdy tube to avoid creasing. I simply repeated something 
similar to what a lobby card was and stated that by all means it should be 
mailed flat.

They reluctantly told me that I could ship it how I felt correct but that they 
would hold me responsible for it's shipping condition, especially because they 
wanted it rolled "as their other prints were."

Honestly, the lobby card did well but it did not command an unusual price, I'm 
not sure exactly how to keep this buyer happy, but I am not going to roll it! 
Knowing that I am at the mercy of the buyer this person could mess me over in 
several ways and I hate that thought. And if I met their demands, the item 
would show up looking like crap. 

What do I do?

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