Much as I respect Bruce and his opinions I do feel that the downturn in the  
economy world wide has put a limit on sales.
Lets take the Christies auction in March which had some high prices and  even 
last year there were some extravagant prices. The last auction did not. Ok  
we can all say that it is due to collectors/buyers now having that particular  
piece. But lets face it a DTESS 3 sheet at under $9k was an investment for any 
 dealer as well as a punter.
I feel Bruce and anyone else out there that luxury items like movie posters  
have taken a down turn in sales. Take a look at Italian Job one sheets that 
were  selling for $800-900 they are not selling now. 
I don't think we dealers can really kid ourselves. Prices have reached  
plataeaus and/or gone down in value. I do feel that it is an investment  
now and time that we could use to stockpile. However we still need to  pay 
mortgages and put diner on the table.

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