just this morning OJ Simpson signed an 18 year contract with the Clark County Correctional Facility to star in "OJ, Behind the Bars"

His role will consist of OJ walking his 7x10 foot cell (in solitary) on a daily basis grumbling the same line "I'm innocent!"

he has an "out" option after 15 years, but has agreed to play his role for the next 5478 daily episodes

Congratulations OJ. You've finally achieved your goal of starring in your own show..

But watch out, Sam the Sodomite is watching your back hoping to be your "co star" and has even said he'll work for $1 per week to take over the top spot

99 years is a long long long time
99 years is a long long long time
99 years is a long long long time
Look at me.. I will never be free
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