Wow.  I am simply stunned at all the good vibes that everyone has for this
guy. He's got you exactly where he wants some of you - to believe that he is
just an honest dealer that might of gotten swiped himself into buying some
known fakes, and unwittingly passed them on to you.  Could happen to anyone
of us dealers, right?  He's got some legitimate originals so you'll think
exactly that.

I wonder what his income is off the fakes alone.  Probably not too bad.
It's probably enough to buy some really nice originals to keep the illusion
going to all the gullible people out there.

I'd love to pint you some of the emails he's sent me, you wouldn't think he
was such a nice guy then.  He's threatened me with his lawyers not once, not
twice, but three times in the last year and a half or so. And they were all
because I've pointed out his fake Pulp Fiction auctions.  He doesn't like it
when his bread and butter sales are compromised.  In two examples, I simply
asked if he could please send me a close-up picture of Uma's cleavage,
because any collector  of the recalled Pulps worth his weight knows that
this area will quickly reveal if it is a reprint or not due to the white
printing defects on Uma's black shirt.

*"Get Serious........white specks on her chest????? What's wrong with you.
Get lost pervert. I have reported your sick E-Mail to E-Bay. Hope you get
suspended. I have also blocked you as a bidder. Don't bother us again.

"What is wrong with you? A close up of her clevage? What are you some kind
of pervert? Specks on her flesh??? I have reported you to E-Bay and  I hope
you get suspended. Also you have been to our blocked bidder list. Please
don't contact us again. This is a serious business. We have a 100%
reputation for six years and are not here to play games."*

He knows exactly why I wanted the close-up, and that's exactly why he
avoided the request and tried to deflect it.  (BTW, If interested, I can
provide entire emails with dates and times and email header information to
prove I am not making this stuff up.)

The killer punchline is that he's even now stopped putting the Miramax stamp
on the back of his Pulp reprints, and is joining in with everyone else
decrying the fake stamp that he helped start, and Dan Rickard tried to get
the correct information out to the poster community.  Oh, here's from an
email from Tom about Dan and his incredible work as a movie poster
authentication guru:
"It is a sad state of affairs that sham websites such as Dan Rickards have
spread unfounded and incorrect info to the poster collecting community . He
has done a great deal of harm to this hobby and he still doesn't realize

It's very sad that Dan's authentication site is not around anymore, and I
would bet $100 bucks Loce and his Rochester, NY buddies went out and had a
few drinks the day that it came down.

One more example: let's look at*
* auction.  In his description, he insists that it was printed by the
National Screen Service!  I mean, c'mon, is he serious?  Who's he really
targeting with that piece of disinformation?  Someone who is new to the
hobby, and knows that NSS numbers used to mean it was probably a legitimate
poster they are looking at.  In 20 out of 20 auctions I looked at, the
poster in question was printed by the NSS.  Pretty amazing considering the
NSS hasn't been around for at least a decade.

This is exactly why the hobby has started to lose its luster, and why more
people are just saying 'forget about it, it's not worth the trouble trying
to keep up with what is an original, and what might be a fake.'

*Loce's own words paint a pretty good picture of where he's coming from, and
what he's trying to accomplish.*

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