I've been here for close to ten of those 14 years, and while MOPO has gone through its peaks & valleys, sturm & drang, fire & rain, and other growing pains, it is a marvelous resource for both beginners and grizzled vets like myself. The mental health of the group seems to have settled into a comfortable groove as of flame wars, no heated arguments about the relative size of Lugosi and Karloff's private the group seems to have matured somewhat with age (and 14-year-olds are usually so difficult to deal with!).. I've been on other sites, but I've stayed with MOPO from the get-go. Congratulations, buddy...I know it's been a thankless job at times, but many, many thanks for hanging in there.
Greg Douglass
Scott Burns wrote:

It's hard to believe that MoPo began 14 years ago today!

On February 24, 1995 the first MoPo message was distributed by the American
University listserv. While our group is not as large in number as it once
was, the "Old Man" of the movie poster discussion forums is still alive and
kicking and I hope still useful to everyone.  My thanks to all of you for
keeping MoPo going, even if we are an old-fashioned, text-based, e-mail
discussion group.

My special thanks to the folks that were here at the very beginning:

Mahtab Moayeri, Michael Danese, Rob Ellis, Donna Tschetter, Goh Kai Shen,
Evan Zweifel, George Nichol, Cynthia Nemeth-Johannes, Adam Ehrlich,
Static555 (thanks to the AOL e-mail system Mr.Static's true identity is
forever lost) AND myself.  Some are *still* MoPo members.

We may have lots of new flashy competition on the 'net these days, but I
think we're still the best.

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