No camera..............just been down this  particular road.....oh maybe 12 
to 15 times!   However I did have  one client who let his wife pick out a 6 
sheet to hang, as he thought,  a  wonderful compromise.   What did she 
pick?   BAREFOOT IN THE  F*CKING PARK.   I mean c'mon........that borders on 
passive  aggressive.
To all male collectors not yet married I suggest having a  pre-nuptial 
drawn up stipulating one six sheet and two three sheets shall hang  of their 
choosing.  I tell you it could pull the business out of its  crash dive.
I mean don't married men put up silently with Department  56 Victorian 
Villages spread like urban blight at Christmas, Hummels, snow  globes, scented 
candles, and shell shaped soap you are never suppose to  use?.........its 
time to make a stand.
In a message dated 5/12/2009 9:19:21 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Do you have a spy camera hidden in my house? Indeed, my  wife is 
extremely understanding about SOME posters being displayed in our  shared 
living areas, like the dining & living  rooms. (We have  very high 
ceilings and lot of wall space there.) I have a "Buena Vista  Social 
Club" one sheet framed (it was a film that affected us both  deeply), and 
a few magic posters, along with a marvelous stone litho one  sheet from a 
movie called "Broadcasting" that features a chimp in a yellow  suit 
singing into an old-school radio microphone. (His name is Rudy  Valour.)  
I have proposed hanging a few 3 sheets over the last few  years. (MY 
office, by the way, looks like the outside of a 50s-60s era  Times Square 
grindhouse. All bets are off down there! there is, however,  no room for 
big paper.) Unfortunately, these 3 sheets were from titles  like "The 
Undead" and the double bill of "The Spider" + "The Brain  Eaters". I got 
the same look from her that I got when I unwrapped a  stuffed wild boar 
head that I bought from some cracker in Georgia on Ebay  a few years ago. 
"This is the coolest thing I ever saw", I enthused.  "Where shall we put 
it?" She replied, deadpan, "Anywhere but this house."  (Buster the Boar 
now resides in my teaching studio 20 miles away, where I  use him to 
frighten young children into practicing more often.)
I had a  6 sheet from "The Face of Fu Manchu" displayed in my home for 
years during  my first marriage, and it looked great, but it really did 
take over the  room. I have purchased several 6 sheets overs the years, 
thinking that I'd  get them linenbacked and display them, but I always 
ended up selling them.  I'm actually replacing some of my one sheets with 
inserts these days. More  room to show 'em off.
That being said...I'll probably end up at least  checking out Bruce's 
large paper auction. What can I say? Once a junkie,  always a junkie.
Greg Douglass wrote:
>  Bruce,
> I can tell you why 6 sheets and 3 sheets are frequently less  popular 
> in one word.   _WIVES._    Yes   indeed,  there isn't a seller anywhere 
> who has not experienced  the near thrill of a sale of a large format 
> poster only to be nixed  by the distaff member of the household.   
> Where size does  matter in many a happy marriage,  posters for some 
> reason  collide with the aesthetic sensibility of the little lady back 
>  home.  They simply can't conceive of seeing so much wall dedicated to  
> a single design.................yet they have no problem with  wallpaper! 
> While there are some progressive, forward thinking women  out there to 
> be sure, on the whole  most just can't straddle so  many inches 
> of treasure every day.  Its a conundrum many a male  collector has had 
> to compromise to keep the proverbial boat from  sinking.
> Its true,  its just no one ever talks  about it :)
> freeman
> In a message dated 5/12/2009 7:02:56 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
> writes:
>      I am currently auctioning three-sheets and six-sheets so of  course
>     they are on my mind!
>     Here are my questions:
>   1) I see a fair number of the three-sheets and six-sheets  where
>     they are currently below the price of the  corresponding one-sheet!
>     Is that often the case,  and if so, why do you think this happens?
>     2) I sometimes hear collectors say, "I would buy  three-sheets and
>     six-sheets, EXCEPT they are too  big for my walls". But many of
>     these same  collectors have HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of one-sheets
>      that sit folded up in boxes, and are never displayed. So, if it  is
>     going to sit in a box, what difference do they  make if they are
>     one-sheets, three-sheets or  six-sheets?
>     3) Some ad  campaigns have three-sheets and six-sheets where they
>   are simply "stretched-out" versions of the one-sheets  (like
>     Forbidden Planet), but other times the  three-sheets and six-sheets
>     have completely  different images. I think that when the
>      three-sheets and six-sheets have similar images to the one-sheet
>   they should sell for somewhat more (due to the greater size  and
>     rarity), but if they have superior images they  should sell for a
>     lot more, and when they have  inferior images (like in the case of
>     The Sin of  Nora Moran three-sheet, which is nowhere as nice as the
>   one-sheet) they should sell for a lot less. What do YOU  think?
>      Bruce
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