It is kind of hard to get young people involved in posters these days. Years 
ago poster enthusiasts were film fans whose love of cinema naturally drove them 
to seek out the advertising for those films. Most of the dealers were fairly 
honest (if eccentric) and the occasional auction provided some terrific 
bargains for collectors (i.e., The 1987 Forry auction, some of the early 
Guernseys, etc..). Now, this hobby is awash in corruption. Most of the dealers 
couldn't give a hoot about cinema, just about greenbacks. Shilling in auctions 
is commonplace, almost accepted (yes, but still very illegal). Items seem to 
"sell" on Ebay, only to constantly reappear in the same condition, from the 
same dealer a month or two later. Auctions nowadays are "testing 
grounds"-houses see what they can sell for top dollar. If not, they buy back, 
relist or re-package the same items over & over. Seldom are posters just "let 
fly" (allowed to sell at whatever the current market will bear). The oldtimers!
  will continue to watch the films they love and collect whatever posters they 
like ( and can obtain fairly) but youngsters, for the most part, don't want to 
be part of this modern day movie poster scene. GD

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