I know this sounds like fawning but I don't give a shit.  Everytime I get a 
public plaudit from Sue, it feels like I'm on an opioid -- without the bad side 
effects.  You and yours have a good holiday weekend too!  Thanks!
-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 09:59:23 -0700
From: filmfantast...@msn.com
Subject: Re: recipie for stress reduction + Tom Martin

     I always get a kick out of Tom's posts. While they are often rambling in 
nature (I think it's because he thinks faster than he can type), there is 
always something to take from them if you know where to look. I have spoken to 
Tom many times on the phone over the years and he is a very smart guy with all 
kinds of info stored in the vast reaches of that brain of his. He is a loving 
and doting father of a very creative son and he speaks so fondly of him every 
time we talk, that is what has endeared me to him, not to mention he always 
asks about my family and daughters when we speak and remembers things I have 
told him in the past. 
     Dave Kusumoto is the same way, he just has his thoughts very anally 
organized, just like me!! I love these two guys who,  believe it or not, are 
very similar in their thirst for knowledge and their use of that knowledge. 
Both are very kind souls, and while it may "appear" that one is a crazy guy and 
one is brilliant orator,  I am glad to know both of them and consider them 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bruce Hershenson 
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] recipie for stress reduction + Tom Martin

Funny, but I think of Tom as a Spaulding Grey type (only more handsome), with 
glowing all-knowing eyes, and the ability to talk a mile a minute.

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Roger Kim <roger...@iname.com> wrote:


Good post. Tom Martin is a brilliant philosopher disguised as a confused 
memorabilia dealer. Only certain people can see the enlightened being. To most 
people, he is either invisible or he appears as a wacky clapboard salesman.

If anyone wants to criticize Tom, it is actually OK. Adversity only makes him 
stronger. Strong wind creates strong trees.

I wish I knew what he looked like. I imagine he looks like a long-haired Peter 
Fonda, but that's probably completely wrong.

On Jul 2, 2009, at 12:32 PM, rixpost...@aol.com wrote:
   I think Tom Martin is an Enlightened human being...possibly a Bodihsattva.  
On some days, I find more wisdom and knowledge in his writings (or, ramblings 
if you prefer) than in all other posts on MoPo combined.
Who knows---possibly The Buddha is among us disguised as a movie poster 
collector named Tom. You may think I'm joking, but stranger things have 
happened on this planet.  Keep posting, Tom. Maybe wherever you "are" is 
actually something to strive for, not to ridicule.

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