Tom -- you're a winner.  Loved the tag about John Landis's people almost 
working with you.  It means you're a known entity in the industry.  I don't 
read all of your notes (and a lot of people don't read mine), but those I do 
read that stick to me -- makes me certain that someday I will meet you in 
person.  People I've talked to who have spoken to you on the phone -- or who 
have met you in person -- all say you're a nice guy -- even though, yeah, you 
can't write worth a damn.  That's OK.  As someone else said, some of your notes 
are filled with more insight than other notes combined.  Some of your free-form 
messages have a "wise man from the mountain" quality that many find comforting 
-- while others read like impressionistic paintings filled with code.  The most 
impressive thing about you, though, besides being a doting father (like Allen 
Day!) -- is in my view, you've gone through a lot of ups and downs like many 
people -- but your decision to share those ups and downs with MoPo over the 
years says a lot about your bravery, fearlessness and security.  You know who 
you are while some like myself are still floundering in muck.  Best, -d.

-----Original Message----
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 15:11:29 -0400
Subject: Re: recipie for stress reduction + Tom Martin

Thanks Sue and all Mopo you have all been Kind.. I even appreciate the remarks 
that  comment on my rambling, grammar, and spelling... because gusee what...? I 
 mispell and ramble and rant... thats me...  Part of why is like Sue says.. I 
am like a attention deficit type and when I get a inspiration it flows out 
quicker then I can type or event think of the rules of verbage and all that...

Sue you are such a treasure trove of stories and have a great business and 
ethic.. Kusomoto is a skilled writer as many of the Mopo group are great 
artist,, I remeber this fantasic metal artist from Canada  Truce legg  that is 
awesome and did a Metropilis piece I still drool over..  Plus   all the skilled 
linenbackers and the poster dealers likeKirby. Zeev, David L, and Rix and 
more... like Grey and Morrie and then the people like Bonelli
and it gos one and on... there are so mant people that have great life storys I 
learn from everyday..
Capt Bijou for instance I was amazed he did the Nostalgia merchant posters at 
Casablancas records.
Greg Douglass, Doug Ball, Alaan adler is like a pop culture guru...
I know Ill lee many out but I listen to all of you each day about everything.. 
Bruce hershenson is a seasoned pro. Rudy is like a uncle...Sam Saowitz,, all 
the UK people like that adian cowdry.. all Good...  basically your all my 
family..  Can you imagine if I walked up to some chick in the park and started 
to discuss to linenback or Not?? or minty whites??    or what about telling her 
I sell movie memorabilia from Toledo....
You think suireels can bolt... It definatly is not a ice breaker or chick 
magnet  to talk posters.... or clapboards.
and to think you guys think im nuts... maybe i need to start with.... Hi do you 
like six sheets?  I just love Tooker lithos myself..... twinkel twinkle..:)

Thers seems to be a curiosity who I am as far as dress and lifestyle... Im 52-  
5' 11" - weight 170 - wasit 33 
-40 shirt ( medium)  and I have short cut brown/black hair  - brown eyes... and 
Im Italian- british-scottish- portugese  as My Mom was from Bermuda.  My dad 
Italian Sisiclian -  from east coast- NYC -Pa -YO

As far as screwed up .. Bingo  - I have a Brother named Tom after my dad left 
and married a airline stewardess in the 50s... so I understand abandonment...:) 
never met my dad or brother ot two sisters all 1/2

OK... then as far as education.. I quit at 15 to Play in Bars as a Guitar / 
bass player... by 17 I was in a band called ' Johnny and the Hurricanes " they 
were famous in the 59 era.. and were quite big...( beatles warmed up for them 
at the star club in Hamburg)    for a 18 year old.. it was like my Boyscouts 
and taught me alot as we did the road and so I got to grow up earlt with women 
and all
The Hollywood dream factory® was started in 1977 as I was a Booking agent(age 
19) in between and worked with ad agencies and did promotion for rock concerts 
and  events.. I worked split commisons with Large new York and La agencys and 
at time people like Wilhelmina, Eileen Ford and Casablanca s elite were the big 
players.. I was offered a Job to run Film TV radio dept in Chicago for David 
lee model in 1976 however optted to make a album of music as they offered to 
record me on spec.. Was offered a deal by Mitch Ryders company however it was a 
45 rpm record.. so i passed and in Dec 9, 80 the Day lennon was shot gave up 
Mucic profesionally  as a goal as  it showe me how goofty and crazy the biz and 
fame was...  Ive watch so many great and better deserving people lose thier 
appeal and lives over silly fates.

Then one day in 1977  a friend came in and said you like all this show bizz 
stuff( my office was decorated in Hollywood stuff)  and I started advertising 
in all the collector papers... The products happened by accident or destiny:)   
  After we had a Full shop of Movie memorabilia I designed a kiosk of a one 
stop shopping center containing all types of Movie stuff.... Mugs, t-shirts, 
still, signs, posters all in a small floorspace.. the idea was
to have video stores and comic shops and the like retailers.. sell the 
memorabilia/// well I couldnt find many people selling memoabilia...that I 
thought was quality and  had the passion..... so at my 1st trade show.. In NYC 
I made protypes of the products like clapper .. not to be a clapboard maker but 
to accent my Kiosk.... I didnt even want to make tem and jobbed out but my 
makers would get late or move on...... So then all the Movie studios started 
calling me Like Universal.. and would or 30,000 at a Pop yes 30 thousand 
clappers... Ive made 500,000 clappers!!
so I had to hire 10 employees... and learn to crank out tons of products... My 
problem was I never had a credit line so we did it all with our limited credit 
and with the Pos we received... meanwhile we had cash flow problems and then I 
had marital and then a compant tryed to steal my trademark so we spent 4 years 
in trademark litigation..(30k legal fees) Intense///   add all lifes other 
issues... and thats why I consider myself a chaos managment expert and Lucky  
as.......I found the really important stuff was to see people were the reason 
to live.. not wealth, or status, or big accomplishments.. as people get jealous 
or want to take it away if you even get it... Its really funny/
So thats why I became a minimalist and see like King Solomon said. in 
ecclessiasties.. " all is Vanity and grasping for the wind"

There is nothing more fufilling then seeing peoples faces when the anquish and 
hurt is removed and they feel understood and soothed and when they smile  its 
so exhilirating because they are at peace..
Kids are like angels... because they speak pure truth ... and are so innocent  
and free of all the things we learn like deciet and all.... So in a way thats 
what I suspect Jackson felt... was to honor kids... although dont know him and 
the media painted a differant picture.. so Im not sure- I hope he didnt harm 
kids in any way..
and it seems like he didnt.

Ill end with... you never know what life can bring.. so I just hope it brings 
good. and wait on the good.  instead of just pondering the past and negative 
thats happened..

Today I almost sold a megaphone to John Landis the a emial came from 
I thought wow how would I ever get that opportunity? plus I liked his work on 
thriller video and animal House. heres the email I received after they 
so to me that tickles me to think that I can even get breaks like that.
the time factor always hurts Uk sales.

Hi Tom,

Thanks for checking but I managed to find one in the UK.  Thank you for your 
help though.


Jules Smith
Assistant to John Landis

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