My #1 poster, which I doubt I'll ever have, is The Jazz Singer.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 2:57 PM
  Subject: [MOPO] QUESTION: What's The #1 Poster You Wish You Could Own But 
Know You Never Will

    Thought I'd steer this back to the realm of poster reality. I had my fill 
of priests as an altar boy, generally I don't trust lawyers and I've been 
married so many years that I'd rather discuss posters (they've always been a 
nice escape in the past).
     The knee-jerk reaction to this question is obviously Metropolis or 
Frankenstein---something from the top of the list of posters that realized the 
highest price in auction.  Of course I'm talking about the cost of the desired 
poster being prohibitively high--but also its scarcity on the market.  
     I think my "dream" poster would be an original Public Enemy US one sheet.  
I know I'll never have one.  Hey, I don't even know if one exists.... (I've 
actually heard a rumor over the years about a certain long time collector who 
has one in his collection...but that's just a rumor).  I realize that a Public 
Enemy one sheet would be worth over 50 grand, but I'm not really talking about 
the money here.  I'm talking about the passion for the piece.  I'm sure every 
collector has that one poster that they've always wanted, but know unless they 
win the lottery AND they're lucky enough to stumble upon it...alas, it will 
never be theirs.
     Does anyone else out there have a poster like my Public Enemy one sheet? 


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