I have been thinking something that seems pretty obvious to me, but I have
not seen anyone else saying it, so I am wondering if I am missing something.

In the old eBay (the one I sold hundreds of thousands of items on), there
were no DSRs, and sellers were obsessed with not getting negatives, and
receiving even *ONE* was often a cause for major hand-wringing and

Personally, I did everything possible to make my few unhappy customers
happy, to the point of sometimes giving partial or full refunds. I saw this
as a win/win/win situation, where I came out ahead (100% positive feedback),
my customers came out ahead (great customer service) and eBay came out ahead
(many happy eBay'ers). At one time I went 55,000 consecutive positives
without a negative or neutral.

Then they added DSRs, and took away the sellers ability to leave negs. I
hated this for two reasons. One, it put a massive blackmail tool in the
hands of the buyers, and two it deceptively told buyers a "4" was a good
rating, when actually it was a "bad" rating. This was when I left eBay

Now, they have completely revamped the DSR system, where a 4 rating is not
very meaningful, but just a couple of 1s and 2s are the kiss of death (if
you are not up to date on this, they you really need to research it if you
are a seller, because it is a *MAJOR* change).

Well, then, haven't they simply come full circle back to the time when
sellers obsessed over every single negative? Except then, the sellers cared
about not getting negs as a matter of pride, and now eBay "fines" you for
getting 1s and 2s (by taking away discounts). And back then, sellers could
retaliate, which held down the amount of blackmail, whereas now, they not
only can't retaliate, but they also can't see who is leaving the 1s and 2s,
so the buyers think they can hurt the sellers anonymously.

Why not simply junk the DSRs as a failed experiment (I would think sellers
would mostly be fine with this) and have a bonus system based on the
percentage of negs and neutrals?

This way, at least the sellers could see who left the bad feedback, so they
could learn what mistakes they are making (they could not retaliate).Right
now, a seller can't see who left the bad DSRs, so they can't know what they
did wrong!

Why should buyers be able to slam you anonymously while also leaving
"positive feedback". Isn't it the height of hypocrisy to let buyers leave
positive feedback, but also 1s and 2s as DSR scores? Wouldn't this somewhat
re-level the playing field?

What am I missing?


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