hello folks - if you like unusual items in your Movie room to accent and embellish Poster art

please see my offering on ebay of some one of a kind Zoetropes thats are truly 1/1 creations

and also funtion as art and as amusements.

The Zoetropes are mae of found parst like the Romains Crystal Zoetrope made from a hand made peiece of Romamian Crystal..

Or the inspired Modere Times metropolis future retro Zoetrope that is very Industrial design Look.......

and last but not least the authentic circa 1910 - 20 Handcrank 35mm camera that is loaded with Brass details

and is like a fine old wood camera with square magazines.. all one of a kind 1/1 units.

I date them and sign and Ive sold these to people in the Biz all over the world.. Since so many memorbilia

items are not verifieable of being from a real source, these are actulally made here in Toledo by hand by someone that has been in the business 30 years and you will be 100% sure of origin and its not a mass produced copy or even a forgery..... I cant even make more if I wanted to as each one is made with found parst I can never duplicate again.

So they are actual original art pieees 1/1 .. I try to make the hand cranks novel and each time im learning new ways to tweak them so they are works in progress.

Plus I love old cameras and old movie gear and pre cinima optical Toys like Kinoras, Mutoscopes , Praxinascope, zoetropes, and old movie projectosr cameras and all the gear used to make movies

So you are alos getting a piece from a person that is a student of the technical side of movies...I would be
working for the early flimmakers had i lived in 1910

4 new listed items/

see DREAM Factory seller Id on ebay or theres a logo link on the website to get there
www.hollywooddreamfactory.com    thanks for looking and have a great week.

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