Three cheers for Sue and Ed (or should that be Ed and Sue)?


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Paul Gerrard <> wrote:

>  Likewise, thanks Sue and Ed; or should I say grazie?! It's good to
> have these useful snippets of information in one place.
> Paul
> In a message dated 18/09/2009 19:47:08 GMT Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Hi Sue:
> Thank's to Ed and you Sue for the information. These foreign posters can
> indeed be a major can of words to decifer. The Transamerica logo is the easy
> part!!! The different printers are another challenge themselves.
> Will go back to LAMP to see information. Thank's for ALL you and Ed do for
> the hobby!!!
> Sincerely,
> --Tom Pennock
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