
Jeez, but this list is full of jokers, ain't it? On the chance that you actually did want to know what "Non Ammesso" means, the online translator at Yahoo says it means: "Not Admitted"


Not very helpful, I'm sure. You already knew they didn't admit it, it would have been nice if they said *why*. But I as the jokers pointed out, this is an Italian bureaucracy we're talking about -- I once sent a check to a hotel in Venice to hold my reservation 6 weeks in advance of my arrival. When I got there the hotel (where I had stayed several times before) had not received it and been unable to hold my reservation at that crowded time of the year -- but since they knew me they found me a tiny attic room on the cuff. Three days later, the clerk stopped me in the lobby and said, "Hey, look what just arrived in this morning's post..." Sure enough, it was my 6-week old letter with the check in it.

My guess is that there was something about the customs form they didn't like... or maybe the address didn't match up with their system.

-- JR

channinglylethomson wrote:
Perhaps someone on MOPO could explain what the phrase NON AMMESSO means. I sent a book to Italy by Priority mail a few months back. The client said they'd never received it and filed a claim with Paypal saying non-receipt. I just got the package back today with a pink sticker on it that said RETOUR (RINVIO). Checked below that box it was marked NON AMMESSO. Does anyone know what happened to this package from what I'm describing? Or what that phrase would mean in this situation? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Channing Thomson

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