HI Susan ---- You have now rehashed the story about Bruce about three
times on this board. I told you and I told Bruce that I was NOT speaking
about him: I didn't even know him in those days, nor do I know his
father. I even offerred the name of the person I was speaking of.
Apparently that's not enough for you and you must pre-judge my
intentions, although your post is allegedly about not prejudging.  I
don't know why you must persist in this needless discussion yet again.
And if you don't wish to comment on the recent events and the parties
involved, then don't.  

-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:mop...@listserv.american.edu] On Behalf Of Susan
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] I just want to clarify

Hello all,
   I wanted to clarify a remark I made in my past email regarding Bruce.
I used the example of the rumor that was started about him years ago to
exemplify how many times people hear something and jump on the bandwagon
as though it was true without having any knowledge of the situation.
Also, tar and feathering someone before all the facts have come out.
That happens alot in our hobby.  As many of you know, I have considered
Bruce a friend for many years. I have known him to be a hardworking and
upstanding person. My dealings with him have always been great and he
has always been honorable. I have defended his position many times on
this group and off list, when I felt he was being judged unfairly.   I
have received emails off list chastizing me for that defense. I could
care less what people think. I believe what I believe and don't follow
     I have often felt that sometimes when you are at the top of the
heap, you take alot of heat from others, whether sour grapes or mean
spiritedness. We have our share of Bruce detractors right here on this
group. I have said it many times, that I think Bruce is a large part of
why our hobby has become so successfull and that we owe him a debt of
gratitude for making all our collections more valuable. 
   If I did not make it clear in my previous post, I want to
categorically state that I have never believed the rumors about Bruce.
Someone only a couple of weeks ago brought that up again, for the
umpteenth time, and then tried to back out of it when Bruce responded to
it, stating it was meant to be about a female art dealer even though
they clearly said in their post, "his" father in law. Part of the reason
I don't post as much as I use to on this group is all the "cattiness"
that goes one (and they say women are the gossipers).
   So, I did want to make that clear. As I said, I have my own opinions
and feelings about the current state of these fake posters. But, I dont'
feel it is my place to say negative things and call someone out in
pulbic until they have had their day. That's it.


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 16:08:17 -0400
From: slinkenb...@comcast.net
Subject: Re: [MOPO] FAKES-Thing's Will Improve In The Hobby

Do you think Jaime's name was just plucked out of a hat at random, or do
you think there is maybe real evidence linking him to this?
Kerry was a very close friend of mine (he even went to my wedding in
Peru last year).  I'm just as certain that I have privy to AT LEAST as
much information as Grey in this matter.
For this reason I do not mind calling out Grey (whom I also consider a
good friend) on what I think is a very poor decision for continuing to
give Jaime business without holding him accountable.
If Jaime were to express regret for his actions, show remorse and help
with the prosecution of the true bad guys then I would not have problems
with this and would use him again myself.
Jaime is the only restorer I have used for the past five years, and as
it stands now I am looking at other options.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Susan  <mailto:filmfantast...@msn.com> Heim 
To: slinkenb...@comcast.net ; MoPo-L
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: [MOPO] FAKES-Thing's Will Improve In The Hobby

Just remember, in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.
Most of us only know bits and pieces to the real story.  I'm sure Grey
is privy to way more info than most of us and has made his decisions
www.hollywoodposterframes.com <http://www.hollywoodposterframes.com/>  



Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 15:29:09 -0400
From: slinkenb...@comcast.net
Subject: Re: [MOPO] FAKES-Thing's Will Improve In The Hobby

Unfortunately the restorer who helped bring about all this mess is
having business as usual thanks to Heritage and is not being held
accountable at all.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Tom A.  <mailto:tapenn...@aol.com> Pennock 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:16 PM
Subject: [MOPO] FAKES-Thing's Will Improve In The Hobby

Like Grey mentioned the sky is not falling. It will get better. Even
though ALL of this is indeed overwhelming it's best to try NOT to panic.
I really believe things will stabilize eventually in our hobby. Things
will be better. We will learn from ALL of this. Future accountability
will help make this hobby better.  
--Tom Pennock 
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