I agree with you, kirby.

It was tiresome from the get go, especially in a forum like this.

the political discussions should be kept out.

On Mar 7, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Kirby McDaniel wrote:

All this is very tiresome. I can hear all this on CNN, FoxNews (no!) and MSNBC. Let's get back to film posters before I chime in with my two cents worth and bore you
all fucking to death.


On Mar 7, 2010, at 2:47 PM, James Richard wrote:

This idea that "unemployment is a lagging indicator" is the biggest (and longest-running) prevarication of all the myriad lies being pushed by the government with the cheer-leading assistance of the "news" media.

Since consumers drive sales (at any level you care to name), if there are more and more consumers out of work and, more important, unable to find new work, then sales at all levels go down and stay down. The economy simply cannot recover if real average-consumer sales don't at least start creeping up. Any other "hopeful indicators" the supposed experts -- you know them, all those geniuses who missed the obvious signs of the impending real estate and banking collapse two years ago -- well, those "hopeful signs" just so much wishful thinking -- and the masking effect of those few who still have money to burn picking up recession-priced bargains.

In other words, a few people/companies going around snapping up foreclosed or near-foreclosure properties/businesses/inventories at 40 cents on the dollar is not really an "increase in sales" and hardly what any sensible person would call a "hopeful sign".

At the very least, the widespread layoffs have to stop and then a few companies/projects have to start hiring *before* you can even think about the economy *really* starting to recover. We may begin to see some of that by the end of this year as the $500 billion unfunded dollars they have been printing up and dumping into infrastructure projects all across the nation really starts cranking up this summer once the snows melt.

But that's why we're now seeing all this propaganda (and the $15 billion jobs package they are trying to pass). If you can convince employers that "the economy is recovering" you can get them to step 1): stop firing any more people and maybe even step 2): get them to hire a couple of people at much reduced wages than they would have had to pay those people 4 years ago.

No real point in us debating this here, however, since it is being debated/discussed/screamed about just about everywhere else but here.

-- JR

wise1...@aol.com wrote:

Bruce...I totally agree.
I see people unemployed,  losing their homes, going bankrupt, etc.
But then again..employment is a lagging indicator.
The businesses that caused and felt the pain are the first to heal.
Then the common folk.
I dunno either.

On Mar 5, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Bruce Hershenson wrote:

This has nothing to do with movie posters, but I was wondering if any of you are wondering (as I am) if the government may be lying to us. I mean, in totalitarian countries, the governments used to endlessly broadcast good news, and record harvests, and increased production, in the hopes that people would swallow it.

Lately, the government has been telling us that economic conditions are getting better, and that the recovery is under way, and I am thinking, "Who I am to believe, the government, or my own lying eyes?".

What say you?

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