Now come on Rich!!!! Your asshole side is showing. Did you try to do some muckraking and now your face is full of muck???? If you dont have an opinion they why spout off??? Fact is you do and it is like you right now FULL OF SHIT!!!! I dont have to pove anything to you or anyone else. As far as my ebay prices I never started a auction over 9.95 be it a 30.00 item or a 2000.00 item. My ebay auctions all always started at 9.95 so this bullshit that my ebay prices were high is just that BULLshit. This is also a reflection of your socalled info and hersay about me . Since your memory is so bad and confused I will remind you of one of the deals that we did. I sold you several CRUMB onesheets. You bought one off me on ebay and then several more. I had a tube of 50 of them. I also sold you a regular Pulp Fiction one sheet and other posters. You were very happy with the condition on them.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Halegua Comic Art" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past


when it comes to the business of collectibles (or anything else), you'll be hard pressed to find people who say I ripped them off, and if they do - I'll bet you dimes to dollars they are lying, or not telling an honest story. However, I used to hear quite a bit of negative comment about you and alot about your ebay listings (if your prices were high, I don't care - that's your business). Myself, I don't have an opinion one way or the other. I also don't have an opinion about Eugene Hughes - but I certainly know all the stories. If I hear from one person that someone isn't honest.. I take note. If I hear from many people that there is something smelly about the fish in the refrigerator, I have to pay attention to that and sadly, I used to hear quite a bit about smelly fish. you took alot of heat right here on this board for some of the things I have heard.

Also, please enlighten me.. what deals did we do so I can proclaim my utmost satisfaction with them and help you to un-tarnish your MoPo presence, which I'd be happy to do. For some reason I can't think of anything unless we used to do some business at conventions and the like when I lived in NYC. Maybe send me a pic of you, so I know who I did that business with. I really can't picture you, but seeing as I have been selling for 45 years and lived in NY for 25 years and I believe you also deal in comics - I don't find it unlikely we did do business. I'll be glad to talk about happy, successful deals


At 02:32 PM 4/21/2010, Al Shevy wrote:
Rich Im sure there are lots of people that think your a scumbag. Maybe you are and maybe your not. But every deal we ever had you were happy with. I dont hear you expousing in about that. Here is a perfect example Ive done nothing but good deals with this guy when I did deal with him and here he is talking crap instead of telling the truth that he in fact had had good transactions with me and NO PROBLEMS. Its been years since I dealt with him but he was happy with the transactions.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Halegua Comic Art" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past

At 01:50 PM 4/21/2010, Al Shevy wrote:
Hey Kenwick. Im still here and if Im a crook your still an idiot. I just stopped dealing with this crap. There are a lot of good people out there but there are also a lot of idiots like Kenwick. As far Henry and Richard goes ask the post office. They owe you the poster.


Al, there are lots of people who seem to think you're a crook of some sort. So maybe you need to clean up your act is the problem.

I think Kenwick would rather be an idiot than an Al Shevy crook anyday


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